Calling the Salmon Faverolle People!!


Free Ranging
May 8, 2017
Eastern Connecticut
Ok, so this chick isn't a Faverolle... I know that. What I'm really interested in is the Salmon part.

This chick is from a project breeding group for salmon araucanas. Now.... with everything I've learned on here, even though I've never had a salmon chicken before.... This looks like male coloring, isn't it? My breeder said she thought it was a pullet... but I'm not so sure.

Dark Salmon Body Crop.jpg
Dark Salmon Face Crop.jpg
Male salmon faverolles have blackish/dark feathering yes.

Did you say that chick a cross between an araucana and a faverolle? What color araucana is it crossed with? I wonder if the black could be from that?
Male salmon faverolles have blackish/dark feathering yes.

Did you say that chick a cross between an araucana and a faverolle? What color araucana is it crossed with? I wonder if the black could be from that?

I don't know what she's using to create the salmon in the araucana, but I doubt its Faverolle. There'd be too much to have to then breed out, like the muffs, feathered legs, brown eggs etc.
I’m throwing this out here because it seems that this thread fought the attention of the salmon favorelle breed people.

I got a rare breed egg assortment for my birthday last December and on January 29, 2019 out hatches the most darling salmon favorelle. Since I don’t know the breed at all and don’t have any - I placed her with the nicest family where a little girl took to the bird.

While away on vacation, despite someone attentively caring for the bird- she went missing. One can only assume predators. Anyway, the father returned home before the children for work- to find her gone. (They have a flock of five various breed hens)

He’s asked me to find a look alike and fast. Today is 6/24-19. He’s got five days.

We do know the little girl may know the difference but it’s a chance he’s willing to take.

Again, the bird was born 1/29/19
Gender is pullet/ hen
Color is buff (I assume the breed uses buff to ID the yellow plumage color?)

Please reply or tag anyone who may have a look alike replacement/ body double ;-) or text or call me at 262-888-0446

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