Hey guys!


Free Ranging
May 8, 2017
Eastern Connecticut
I figured I would post this here, since I hang out most here... I’m not gone! I promise! Just tough times with accessing this site. I’ve been still at work (I work for a government contractor) and they’ve recently blocked this site. At home all I have is a slightly aged tablet, without a keyboard. Been thinking a laptop is in order... lol.
But I’m home for now. I’m high risk for covid, as an asthmatic, and had a bit of a scare this past week. I tested negative, but they won’t let me back to work (even to get a computer to work from home) until I’m not coughing. Mind you, I’m (again) an asthmatic during allergy season. I could be coughing for months. I don’t understand why they won’t let me back if I tested negative.

Anyway... here I am, typing away with my thumbs. Slowly but surely. Frustratingly slow for somebody who types around 200 words/min. I love and miss you guys! Thanks @chrissynemetz for checking in on me!
Hope you and the rest of us are able to return to normal soon. I work for a large plant that processes poultry and we have not slowed down. The government has deemed us important to producing food and as a result, we are allowed to still work. Not to mention the stores here haven't had toilet paper in over a week. If this keeps up, I guess I will have to start using my granbaby's wipies. Hopefully not. Good luck to you and sorry about the allergies/asthma..:hugs

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