Not a New Member, But I'm back...


Free Ranging
May 8, 2017
Eastern Connecticut
Hey all, Its been almost a year since I've been around, but I'm back! The last 6 months have been hell.... To copy and paste from a PM with a friend:

Sorry for not replying in months.... Or being online. My life has SUCCKED in the last 6 months...
Foot surgery in Oct, making me non-ambulatory.
House fire in Nov... We're all alright, but the smoke damage basically totaled the structure and totaled all of our personal property.
Now the house we're renting, the land lady's ex BF is apparently co-owner... So he wants to try to kick us out, but he wants half the rent. Its been a hellish couple of months.

Luckily, my neighbor has been watching my chickens, since I don't have electricity at the property, and I can't make it over there every day to empty the ice and refill with water. Hell, I can't even haul water through the unstable snow to get to the bucket. One slip, and I ruin everything the doc did in my foot back in oct.
Been making me appreciate this group, since honestly, the BYC FB group is Sooooo judgmental. "You should be going over there every day, or you don't deserve chickens. You aren't doing this right, you don't know how to sex chickens, don't tell them that's an ee."
Hell, I even had some lady arguing with me over EE being a breed, just because EE and Americana are trademarked... Oh Gods....
and I missed you guys and this group so much!!!
Welcome back. I'm so sorry for your troubles. I wish you the best!
Are you looking in to a new home or build on your property?
Facebook chicken groups occasionally make me a little crazy! Sometimes I cringe, I don't argue but I provide links to BYC articles and scroll on because some people just don't need animals in their life.
Welcome back. I'm so sorry for your troubles. I wish you the best!
Are you looking in to a new home or build on your property?
Facebook chicken groups occasionally make me a little crazy! Sometimes I cringe, I don't argue but I provide links to BYC articles and scroll on because some people just don't need animals in their life.

We're demolishing our house and rebuilding on our property.

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