Help me Genetics People! You're My Only Hope!


Free Ranging
May 8, 2017
Eastern Connecticut
Ok, I'm not a genetics type AT ALL. I'm not even sure where I'm going to go with the combinations I have presented to me, but I'm curious where the first cross could take me... and if I decide to keep going.

As some of you know, I used to have a white araucana rooster, white to go with my white araucana hen. He was stolen last winter, so I ended up getting with Ann Charles at Sky Blue Eggs and got three chicks from her. The cockerel is easy, he's a gold duck wing araucana. The other two are problematic, and I'm wondering what I'm going to get from the presented crosses. Mostly, I'm interested in:
GDW x White (and yes, I know it matters if its dominant white or silver... but Idk what white araucana are in that sense)
The other cross I'm interested in playing with.... One of my pullets is out of one of Ann's experimental pens. She has a rooster that's a black breasted red over a white. My pullet is from this cross. So... what are the likely base colors involved with a GDW X BBRxWht?
If it helps, I have pics of my pullet and her sire. And that really shocks me, because she looks almost like a buff or salmon in her juvenile feathers.

for funzies, the last pullet (I hope) is said to be out of her salmon araucana pen.
I'm interested in:
GDW x White (and yes, I know it matters if its dominant white or silver... but Idk what white araucana are in that sense)

I will make it simple, White Araucanas are based on Dominant White over Extended black, Gold Duckwing is recessive to Extended black/Dominant white.

Gold duckwing genetic make up is: e+/e+(wildtype e allele, chipmunk strip chick down), i+/i+(wildtype non white).

White Araucana genetic make up: E/E(Extended Black e allele, Black Chick down, diluted to white due to dominant white), I/I(dominant White).

The result of this cross will be: E/e+, I/i+, they will look like solid white araucanas but with some gold leakage on the neck/back when adults.

Some white Araucana chicks

Heterozygous dominant white chicks I/i+ will have black specks on chick down(few black specks, some will be solid white)
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GDW x White makes white chicks because it is dominant white in Araucanas.

The second cross should make
50 percent leaky white
25 percent leaky black
12.5 percent gold duckwing
12.5 percent red duckwing
In simple terms.
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