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  1. C

    Solved How do I remove an article?

    I have an article I wasn't finished writing and I think I accidently posted it. How do I remove it, but no delete it?
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    Chicken with a cold? Gapeworm?

    ...from the Sussex), something along the lines of anemia in the poor Sussex (probably from the lice) and a something like a cold from the Cochin. *sigh* I had been previously successful in helping my Hyline Brown with blood flow/comb color issues/loss of appetite by feeding her high protein...
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    Solved How do I find my Article draft?

    I saved my article draft, but I don't know how to get back to it. I'm on the website, on a computer. Thanks
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    Fermented feed - mold or yeast?

    Hi all, I've just started fermenting feed for the sake of one of my chickens. (She was very thin, stopped laying, dull comb color with a slight purple look to it, always looked cold (even when it was warm out), and was lethargic.) She has improved, and started gaining weight from it. Yay! But...
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    Black bottoms of feet, scales feel weird?

    Hi all, Attached are three photos of my Buff Orpintons feet. The first two belong to Circle, the last belongs to Ravenfeather. They are all different feet. Both birds are about 35wks old, and my heaviest birds. I washed Raven's foot well, And Circle's a little, but not deeply. Circle's foot I...
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    Treating 48 chickens for scaly leg mites?

    Hi all, I have 48 birds. 18 are hens, about 1.5yrs old. the other 30 are about 13wks old. They all live in the same coop. They all have symptoms of scaly leg mites. The hens have raised scales on their ankles and some have black lines striped on their toes where the scales start. The 13wk olds...
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    Chick with broken leg? Please help!

    I have a 6wk old Speckled Sussex chick that I think must have gotten her leg broken, fractured, sprained or something either yesterday evening or this morning. I had let them outside to graze yesterday and they were fine. She is one of the smaller of the Sussex, and usually very fast and...
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    Where to sell birds?

    I am wondering if anyone has suggestions (other than create a web page) how to sell either chicks or hatching eggs online. Facebook won't let me post chicks or hatching eggs, and it seems to be the most frequented site. Craigslist is not big where I live. Does anyone know of any other places...
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    Treating bumblefoot, but something went wrong...

    Recently I have noticed that many of my birds have bumblefoot. The first chicken was obvious - she had a large bump on the top of her foot. I ended up waiting for her bump to scab (It took about 2-3wks) and then I did the procedure. (Clean foot, bathe in Epsom salt, remove/cut off scab, massage...
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    Q's - fertility rate, roo aggression, when to collect eggs from hens for incubation, etc.

    Hey, I have some questions about some things, but before I go into it, let me tell you some things about the flocks I am going to tell you about. I am hoping to have these two flocks so I can incubate eggs to raise more chicks. I will be using most all of the eggs for this purpose. They have two...
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    Swelling between toes - bumble foot?

    Hi all, I recently noticed this on one of my 1yr old hybrid hens. I am worried it may be bumble foot, although I can not find any sign of a black scab. There is no sign of any problems on her other foot either. I do not see any swelling on the bottom of the foot either. She had been limping for...
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    Yellow, foamy poop. Coccidiosis?

    I have been finding a good many of these types of poos. I am worried that it may be Coccidiosis. I have 16 chicks, I find about 3 or 4 of these poos a day. They are a week old. I have been feeding them medicated chick feed. (It doesn't say what it medicates for, though.) Also note: these poops...
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    Raising chicks in shed - need heat source

    Hey all, I am getting 25 chicks tomorrow and need to finalize what type of heat source I'm going to use. Any ideas? The chicks will be in an uninsulated/unheated shed. The lows have been in the 20 degrees. I'm not sure about using a heat lamp, but I'm not so sure I want to drop the money for...
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    Tanning light for chicks? (ASAP)

    Hey all, I was wondering whether or not it was a good idea to use a tanning light for raising chicks rather than a heat lamp. I already have a tanning light, but I don't have a heat lamp. I need to know soon because I'm getting them early Thurs morning. Some people I thought I might ask...
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    Black spots on comb - not sure if it's frostbite.

    Recently I've noticed small black dots our chicken's combs. All of our chickens that are the lightweight type breed (Hyline browns, they're called) have them. Their body build is similar to that of a leghorn, but their combs vary in sizes. We have some whose combs are fairly small and others who...
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    What temperature should I keep my coop?

    What temperature should I keep my coop? It is not insulated, and I the majority of my birds are of leghorn build. The low tonight is supposed to be 5 degrees farenheight.
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    When are chickens supposed to molt?

    When are chickens supposed to molt? I have only one with a small patch of feathers missing at her neck. Thats 1/19 hens. Everyone elses chickens seems to be molting. Any ideas why mine aren't? They are around 30/40 wks old.
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    How do I feed zimecterin gold?

    How do I feed Zimecterin gold? I've heard people suggest witholding feed from them for 24 hours. Is it necessary to withold it that long? Is it necessary at all? Also, is pea sized the right amount, or should I go by weight. I'm not exactly sure about my birds weight... I'm going to ask people...
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    How do I get rid of tapeworms in the run/pen and coop?

    I don't want my birds to get tapeworms again after I give them zimecterin gold, so how do I clean the run and coop? Also, what do I clean the coop/run with? Should I put fresh dirt down? Hose it down? Spray it with apple cider vinegar? Wash the coop with soap and water? Any suggestions would be...
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    Zimecterin gold withdrawal period

    Hi all! I was wondering how long I should wait to continue eating eggs from my flock after I worm them with zimecterin gold. It was widely recommended, so I decided to use it. I am using it for tapeworms. Does anyone know? It is hard to find an answer, because it's not technically supposed to be...
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