How do I feed zimecterin gold?


May 30, 2022
Pennsylvania, USA
How do I feed Zimecterin gold?
I've heard people suggest witholding feed from them for 24 hours. Is it necessary to withold it that long? Is it necessary at all?
Also, is pea sized the right amount, or should I go by weight. I'm not exactly sure about my birds weight...
I'm going to ask people specifically so it pops up on their alert thing...
@Kiki @U_Stormcrow @dawg53 @Eggcessive
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How do I feed Zimecterin gold?
I've heard people suggest witholding feed from them for 24 hours. Is it necessary to withold it that long? Is it necessary at all?
Also, is pea sized the right amount, or should I go by weight. I'm not exactly sure about my birds weight...
I'm going to ask people specifically so it pops up on their alert thing...
@Kiki @U_Stormcrow @dawg53 @Eggcessive
When I've dealt with tapeworms, I've always withheld feed for 24 hours. Why? It weakens the tapeworms to the point that the praziquantel easily kills them. I've dealt with tapeworms in chickens many times and they are tough to get rid of.

The good news is that you dont have to treat your whole flock, only the tapeworm infected birds, by identifying birds excreting tapeworm segments only. Then isolate the infected birds in a cage(s). Provide water but no food.
After 24 hours are up, dose them with the Zimecterin Gold or Equimax equine paste. (See dosage above, post #2).
After the birds are dosed, wait two hours before feeding the caged birds. That will give the wormer the chance to do its job and you may even see strands or broken up pieces of tapeworms excreted in feces.

When you provide your birds food after the two hours are up, feed them only a small ration at a time. If you feed them a lot of food or a normal ration, they will gorge the food because they are starving and can cause impacted crop or gizzard. Simply increase rations a little at a time throughout the day back to normal feeding routine. Then release them.
When I've dealt with tapeworms, I've always withheld feed for 24 hours. Why? It weakens the tapeworms to the point that the praziquantel easily kills them. I've dealt with tapeworms in chickens many times and they are tough to get rid of.

The good news is that you dont have to treat your whole flock, only the tapeworm infected birds, by identifying birds excreting tapeworm segments only. Then isolate the infected birds in a cage(s). Provide water but no food.
After 24 hours are up, dose them with the Zimecterin Gold or Equimax equine paste. (See dosage above, post #2).
After the birds are dosed, wait two hours before feeding the caged birds. That will give the wormer the chance to do its job and you may even see strands or broken up pieces of tapeworms excreted in feces.

When you provide your birds food after the two hours are up, feed them only a small ration at a time. If you feed them a lot of food or a normal ration, they will gorge the food because they are starving and can cause impacted crop or gizzard. Simply increase rations a little at a time throughout the day back to normal feeding routine. Then release them.
How do you administer the ZG? Can it be placed on a "treat"? Can water with NutriDrench or the like be offered or does it have to be plain? I had a fecal float done and there are no adult worms, only eggs. So are 2 treatments necessary? I worry too about resistance.
How do you administer the ZG? Can it be placed on a "treat"? Can water with NutriDrench or the like be offered or does it have to be plain? I had a fecal float done and there are no adult worms, only eggs. So are 2 treatments necessary? I worry too about resistance.
I would use a 1 ml syringe without a needle, usually available free at most pharmacies for child or pet medicine. Give the dose orally straight from the tube in to the beak. Repeat it in 10-14 days to get any possible eggs. Just because no adult worms were found in the poop, doesn’t mean they are not present in the intestines.
How do you administer the ZG? Can it be placed on a "treat"? Can water with NutriDrench or the like be offered or does it have to be plain? I had a fecal float done and there are no adult worms, only eggs. So are 2 treatments necessary? I worry too about resistance.
@bmaw I see that you are having troubles with deworming meds.
Have you taken the time to actually read responses to your queries or is your goal to just to continue to find threads about dewormers and posing questions?
Not being harsh, but you have posted on several threads and have been given answers.
If you still are not satisfied with the responses, then I suggest that you start your own thread to ask specific questions or you may want to consult your vet school once more for a full breakdown of medications and dosing that would be applicable to your unique situation.
Here's your lasted round of postings from the last day or so.

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