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  1. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I've been weeding Thursday and Friday. Friday my husband was home from work so he helped me weed the sweet corn, today we put down more grass clippings to keep the weeds down in the corn patch. I've been putting rugs everywhere trying to minimize my weeding. The garden is all growing pretty...
  2. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Freaking scary winds in circles here. Feeling dizzy.
  3. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I got some on Amazon they work fine but I'm thinking of getting some from the Lehman's site.
  4. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Everything looks beautiful!
  5. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Mine lost there's because of the hard freezes.
  6. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    My husband and I got everything planted this weekend. :D
  7. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Hahaha so funny, I was looking for help for my mom but found some laughs instead. 😊
  8. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We ran out of frozen green beans a couple months ago. I'm hoping to get some things in the garden this weekend. We are definitely planning to grow more green beans. Last year I had to replant because I think the ants were killing them, has anyone heard of that? Anyway, I sprayed the replanted...
  9. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Wow those are beautiful! I've never seen them before.
  10. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Welp, I got my seeds started today inside. On the heat mats in their own personal greenhouses. :)
  11. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    It takes a long time to sprout. Mine was thinner than the thick stalks from the store. I picked it as I wanted to eat it, and it is fabulous. :) Everyone I give some to anyone they say; wow that's really good, or I thought I didn't like celery. I just put a couple seeds in each pot just like the...
  12. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I've cut potatoes to plant before but had better results planting them whole.
  13. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We call that "the stink eye" in my family, lol. I didn't know they had a stink eye emoji. :lol: Awesome.
  14. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    When people come on the thread just to complain about it, I'm so happy for the ignore button. :rolleyes:
  15. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I'm so sorry. :hugs
  16. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    But they'd hate to do it. 😁
  17. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Every time I see Hyacinth, I think of that show, Keeping up with Appearances. I was a teenager watching that show and laughing my butt off.
  18. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Looks like a Hyacinth to me.
  19. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We were in a red flag warning the other day and people ignored it and were burning brush and grass. If my house and property burned from their negligence I'd sue the shit out out them. :mad:
  20. BirdsBeesTrees

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I always put garlic, cucumbers and onions in my fridge, no problems.
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