What did you do in the garden today?

Thank you, all, for the well wishes. Sadly, she did not survive... The vet put her down when he arrived late this evening. We knew her chances were very slim. I have her covered up in the barn since weather is bad. DH will call someone tomorrow to come bury her.

We are keeping our other mare in a stall for the night so she doesn't run around in a panic looking for her friend. On Wednesday, we'll transfer her back to the boarding facility where my daughter has her show horse. That way she won't be alone...

For the first time in 20 yrs, I won't have horses to care for every day. Still have horses we own, just none on our farm.
I've heard that they don't do well left on their side. :hit

Did the vet diagnose her problem?
I went to bed last night with the plinking of sleet on the windows. I woke up to a sheet of ice and snow on the ground.
Isn't it funny how that sound of sleet plinking the window in December makes us want to snuggle with hot chocolate by the fire, roast chestnuts, toast marshmallows, bake & feel cozy indoors...then that very same sound in the spring, Ugh, No More Please.
Just goes to show ya, timing is everything!

They plant corn most times. I don't know why they don't rotate crops more often. They've only done soy a few times. With a wet year & with a good part of that field collecting water a few days after alot of rain, I'm thinking it could be a soy year, as it tolerates wetness better.

https://news.utcrops.com/2023/05/corn-and-soybean-tolerance-to-flooding-and-submergence/#:~:text=Soybean are certainly more tolerant,eventually a reduction in yield.

But it's anyone's guess What will be sowed. The owners of that 80 acres don't even live here, they're in another state. 🙄 So I can't ask them. I'm just grateful it is still farmed because most farmland is disappearing here...a tremendous building boom going on, very sad how it's changing so drastically but I won't go off topic about all of that, it is what it is.

Well, if they plant their corn, I've read how cross pollination could affect my corn. I just wanted to get anyone's actual feedback or experience with this scenario.

They've got 80 acres, I'm only planting about 300 plants...200 are sweet corn & 100 are the Glass Gems.

I can plant my corn in a completely different area, but wind & bees carry pollen, even if it'll be growing 130 feet away, with a big barn between them.
I've never grown corn for popping before. Hmmm, probably shouldn't plant any corn near their corn. I can plant asparagus there instead.

So...I just read this...seems I need to separate all types of corn from eachother by 250 feet. Their corn, the sweet corn & the popping corn must all be 250 feet apart. 😬

Well...I can do it, but it means extra garden areas now...oh, it's a good thing I'm feeling so motivated, right? Lol
I'm just laughing because you get more garden. Motivation or no! My whole lot isn't even 250' long. 😂 That's so awesome! I can hardly wait to see your epic popcorn.

I do have 83 acres of raw land about an hour away, it's where we camp, hunt and get firewood. I have about 3 usable acres there and a Kubota m6800. But bad soil, no water, no utility. I'm looking into getting a metal building put up there to store our tractor, and our other toys. Then we'll put in a solar array with batteries and have a well drilled. Right now we can't even keep the camper there, field mice send me under the camper fixing wiring usually once a year. Even with the split loom, they just eat it all. I want to redo all the wiring with conduit but... That's a huge project that I will likely never make the time for. 🤣
Thank you, all, for the well wishes. Sadly, she did not survive... The vet put her down when he arrived late this evening. We knew her chances were very slim. I have her covered up in the barn since weather is bad. DH will call someone tomorrow to come bury her.

We are keeping our other mare in a stall for the night so she doesn't run around in a panic looking for her friend. On Wednesday, we'll transfer her back to the boarding facility where my daughter has her show horse. That way she won't be alone...

For the first time in 20 yrs, I won't have horses to care for every day. Still have horses we own, just none on our farm.
So sorry
Prayers for comfort
Holy crap...just saw something I've never seen before. Apparently, all the rain & wind have really kicked up the ocean waves, along with high tide. There is major flooding trying to drive southward, to the jobsite. The pounding surf has beaten the sand dunes away & is on the roadway! We've got a high tide coming tonight. There's more rain coming this week. They're working with bulldozers & barricades & shutting down the main roadway. Well...we can't do much about weather. Just try to stay safe. I'm feeling rather fortunate, all I have here is an occasional moat around the barn, but never in the barn. I noticed it's been a wet season but wow, never saw this kind of stuff happen before.
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Holy crap...just saw something I've never seen before. Apparently, all the rain & wind have really kicked up the ocean waves, along with high tide. There is major flooding trying to drive southward, to the jobsite. The pounding surf has beaten the sand dunes away & is on the roadway! We've got a high tide coming tonight. There's more rain coming this week. They're working with bulldozers & barricades & shutting down the main roadway. Well...we can't do much about weather. Just try to stay safe. I'm feeling rather fortunate, all I have here is an occasional moat around the barn, but never in the barn. I noticed it's been a wet season but wow, never saw this kind of stuff happen before.
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Oooooo. That's crazy! See this is why I won't live by the ocean or a river! I'm glad your barn and home doesn't flood. Moat makes for good fertile soil around the barn I bet! Stay safe over there!

Under our house floods pretty good about once every 20 years. Until two years ago that is. Our ground has been so saturated that it flooded to the base of the floor joists two years ago. We had a spare pool pump and made quick work of it. The neighbor was outside, in the rain, filling a shop vac with water from under their house and dumping it out every time it filled (painful to watch) so I let them use our pool pump as well.

This season we kept a sump pump down there, it ran a lot more than I expected. I thought we were done with rain, so I took it out two weeks ago, now we're going to get two+ inches over the weekend. Go figure.

I dug a hole this morning to see where the water line is right now, 13" down there's standing water. So I get to crawl under the house and put the sump pump back before we leave for the weekend. 😁 I may try to push it into place from outside.... It's still very soggy down there.

The small human is on spring break so we went out to the yard this morning and took our time. Made me "late" for work, but, eh. Worth it!

My boy and his apple seeds this morning. Three have come up now!

The grapes are starting to leaf out!

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