What did you do in the garden today?

The only gardening I did today was turn off the heat mat on the Texas Grana onion starts. I also ordered more grow bags. One of the grand kids is interested in growing vegetables so I thought I would put together a variety of grow bags and set up a portable “container” garden for her impending birthday. They don’t have a yard where they’re living now so she can garden here until DD is able to find a house to buy. She’s waiting for the mortgage rates to come down. There’s plenty of room in the old chicken yard to accommodate a little garden area. Like most of you we’re having unusually warm temperatures today. It’s currently 59F and sunny. Another warm day tomorrow then a little drop in the temperatures and rain for a day and a half. I’m so looking forward to these ice hills around the yard are gone. I’m still taking it a bit easy. There’s still lingering aches in my left leg so my next round of yard work will have to wait a little while. I stopped into TSC to pick up a bag of chicken pellets and was a bit disappointed that the only “chicks” they had were a few turkey poults. They had their sign “chick days are here” but no chicks.
I took a look around my garden and saw a couple of tulips coming up in one of the raised beds. Two years ago there was a patch of tulips about 20 square feet in size. I dug them all up (I thought) and replanted the bulbs in a different location. Guess I missed a couple.

Most of my chive plants are looking healthy. I might dig out a couple of clumps, separate and replant them so I can get a big bed of chives going somewhere.

My herbs didn't fare so well. Oregano and thyme handled the winter just fine, but the cold weather hurt the rosemary plants. I still see a little bit of green on the rosemary so I think it will come back, but I think I lost the tarragon and marjoram.

Update: I just read that tarragon is cold hardy, but the plants die down over the winter, so it should come back. But the marjoram is a "tender" perennial that can't survive the cold.
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@WthrLady people in New England like to claim we have a moody Mother Nature with the temp swings - but I've never seen anything like you get!

It's lovely out there - 55 degrees & a half a foot of snow still. :gig Still can't get to the peach tree. Supposed to get tons of rain tmrw, hopefully it'll all melt & flood the place worse than it already is. 🤦‍♀️

My Baker Creek seed order says it was delivered yesterday, but I got nothing. Hopefully today.
currently feels like 12', yesterday at this time it was 82', a 70' difference and the winds are howling to 50 mph. Yep. The great plains.
Yesterday's fire was causes by a lawn mower, and has so far burned 70,000 acres and counting.
currently feels like 12', yesterday at this time it was 82', a 70' difference and the winds are howling to 50 mph. Yep. The great plains.
Yesterday's fire was causes by a lawn mower, and has so far burned 70,000 acres and counting.
We were in a red flag warning the other day and people ignored it and were burning brush and grass. If my house and property burned from their negligence I'd sue the shit out out them. :mad:
Warm-ish. But windy, and overcast. Some decent storms may roll through tonight.

I’m getting prepped for goat L&D. Still a month (at least) to go. They are separated, but we put them together at night. I’ve joined a couple goat fb pages for info, etc. it’s been a blessing and a bit of a curse. A blessing bc good info, good admins, and good printable guides. A curse bc some come to ask about awful stuff -all the things you don’t want to happen, bc their goat is currently kidding or just kidded, or they just bought some animals. So, just trying to focus on what I can do to prep.

Today, I picked up a vaccine for the goats, claustridium and tetanus. They get a dose now, then in 2 weeks. Then babies get poked around 7 days old. I now know this is supposed to be a yearly thing, but we didn’t know until now. Better late than never! Also got injectable B/selenium. We are deficient in selenium in this area, so we already give the girls selenium paste once a month. The injectable is for after kidding.

To end in a chicken note: I’m supposed to pick up chicks tomorrow!!!! :jumpy:jumpy
I stuck some overgrown Pak choy seedling in my Kratky buckets this morning. They were clumped together in small seed cells. I am not sure if they are going to make it, but they look like they were hardened, so they might make it. The reason why I stuck them in my Kratky buckets were because the potting mix they were in was drying out midday, so they would die if I missed a watering. I did the 3 buckets off set in the back. The ones closer to me were done a few weeks ago.

The main thing I want to taste is my 6 Prizm Hybrid Kale. They survived the initial transplant shock and are beginning to grow new leaves. I have never tasted these, they supposed to be tender and compact. They look luscious in this image.

One of the grand kids is interested in growing vegetables so I thought I would put together a variety of grow bags and set up a portable “container” garden for her impending birthday.
Awww, I love that!
I’m supposed to pick up chicks tomorrow!!!!
Ohhh, what'd ya get?
I can't wait to see baby goat pics. I'm sure y'all will do great. It's so exciting getting into something new, a bit stressful at times, but it all works out in the end. ❤️

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