Search results for query: *

  1. growanstede

    Infection? Lice? Feather shaft/skin issue

    Hey all, my prize SG Dorking roo came up with this today—it likely has been noticeable for a week or two but I’ve been working extra hours and the kids have been maintaining the barn. Hoping for some recommendations on what to do here, as well as diagnosis. I did a few sweeps trying to find...
  2. growanstede

    Anyone interested in ordering horizontal poultry nipples?

    We are putting in an order for horizontal water nipples and are contemplating selling them as well, and your interest will let us know what to order... It would be probably two weeks before they were shipped out from us, but is there interest here? $.95/nipple, plus shipping--unsure how much...
  3. growanstede

    Turkeys...Bourbon Red or Narragansett?!

    So we recently moved to this farm and it came with thirty (very young) turkeys. (As an aside, we're in the Madison, WI area and if anyone wants to buy some breeding birds....we don't want to overwinter this many. :th) They are either Bourbon Red (which we obviously have a lot of)...
  4. growanstede

    Please bring back the easy links to pages from member profiles!

    It's SO frustrating not to be able to simply click into someone's profile and then find their pages. Bring it back!
  5. growanstede

    Speckled Sussex - four months old - gender help? from MPC - I'm thinking that I've got four boys and four girls but I'm hoping that you guys can tell me that I've got more girls than that. *laugh* Also, how long does it generally take for these guys to start crowing? I'm letting the boys grow until they crow, then they're going to be...
  6. growanstede

    Quick query about overnight

    ...10:30am tomorrow morning. I don't want to leave them cooped up, but I'd rather they'd be cooped up than be in danger. The high for tomorrow is 85*. Is it more dangerous to leave the pop door unlocked than it is cruel to leave them in the coop until 10:30? I have nobody who can come and...
  7. growanstede

    Everything's Changing

    So long story short, my husband and I are splitting up. We have two young children (ages 5 and 3) and both of us are full-time students right now. I just finally went back to college--last semester was my first semester back. Due to my teeny-tiny income I am trying to turn to family (my dad)...
  8. growanstede

    So cool! My corgi and I are in a video about dog dining in Milwaukee!

    I'm the one with the Corgi, reading Harry Potter, and wearing a green and white halter top.
  9. growanstede

    Check out my AWESOME craigslist score! It was free!

    Just got this today--it needs some work before I think it's neighbor friendly (I live in the city, close to neighbors) but what a score!!! I'm going to divide it into two rabbit hutches with open area underneath so they can get to the grass. They'll share a green roof. I'm excited!
  10. growanstede

    Is two weeks too young?

    Is two weeks too young for some supervised outside time? The weather is sunny and warm in Wisconsin and I think it will be okay, but didn't want to make a fatal mistake. Thanks in advance!
  11. growanstede

    Our four little chicks have a blogtv channel

    They're on TV! The Cream City Hens chicks have a blogtv channel at Edited! (Sorry.)
  12. growanstede

    (4) 2-4 day old chicks in brooder--one has bloody stool

    I just noticed today that there is blood on the bedding from one of the chicks. I have a Speckled Sussex, Golden Campine, and Easter Egger from My Pet Chicken and one Splash Silkie from a BYC-er. The MPC ones were vaccinated for Mareks before they were sent out. I don't know what to do! If I...
  13. growanstede

    Chicken Breed Egg Size Comparison

    I was hoping to get people on the forum to put pictures of eggs they've gotten to get some ideas of size comparisons. So--if you've been getting eggs, can you post a picture of an average sized egg next to a quarter and what breed of hen it is from? I would love to see the colors and sizes of...
  14. growanstede

    Cream City Hens has their chicks!

    I would like to introduce you to Cream City Hens' four chicks. We are working on a webpage called From Hatchery to Henhouse that will introduce new chicken lovers to the joys of the urban hen. These guys will also be going along with us this summer to farmer's markets to help educate...
  15. growanstede

    Brooder only getting up to 80.2* - now new problem, see second page

    ...last night in preparation of our hen group's chicks coming sometime in the next couple of days. I have a problem though--I can't get it above 80.2*. I have a 20gal tank for four standard size chicks. This is only going to be their home for the first couple of weeks, and then they're moving...
  16. growanstede

    WANTED: Pictures of your hens in the snow, and other cute pictures

    Hi, I'm with a group in Milwaukee called Cream City Hens and we're starting the movement to allow backyard microflocks of hens. Along with this we're beginning to circulate a petition, and we're primarily looking for a photo of hens in the snow to headline the petition, to prove that they're...
  17. growanstede

    Milwaukee is on the Move! Cream City Hens

    Milwaukee has been mobilized! Please join us in starting the push for a new hen-friendly ordinance. We've got one alderman on our side so far--only 14 more to go! We have a Google group: Cream City Hens We have a Facebook group: Cream City Hens We have a twitter feed:@CreamCityHens We...
  18. growanstede

    Query about Chickens & Rabbits and how to house them.

    So I would really enjoy adding both chickens and rabbits to our small family (I'm working on ordinances for our village so they allow microflocks) and have thought long and hard lately about housing and how that would work. So my question is this: Does it work to house chickens and rabbits in...
  19. growanstede

    Hey Portage, WI!

    Somebody is giving away a free shed/outbuilding on Craigslist ...anybody see a 'green' chicken coop in their future?!
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