Hens or Roos? Speckled Sussex and Easter Egger


15 Years
Feb 25, 2009


Thanks guys!
The EE is a roo. If you look at the feathers directly in front of his tail (saddle feathers), you can see that they are long, skinny, and pointed as are the hackle feathers on his neck. Plus you can see the deep, dark red over the shoulders.

Your speckled Sussex is a hen. She has a small comb and rounded hackle and saddle feathers.
Thanks, guys.

Another question, then...do hens sometimes adopt the same fighting stance as roos do? I had them temporarily at a friend's house and the Sussex kept getting in fights with her roo, and did the whole posturing thing every single time he came into her line of sight. I thought for sure she was a he as a result.
I have two americaunas that do the rooster pose. I dont know if it is common, but i know 100% that they are both hens. since i have seen them both lay an egg. I think it might be part of getting the pecking order straight.

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