How to Correctly Wrap a Chicken's Foot!

I must admit, after seeing June Bug in the first picture I would have read and rated no matter what the content.:loveI think she's gorgeous.
Next came the camo combats. I've worn them for years. Some say I've worn the same pair for years but I have actually got three identical pairs.
Oh! The article!
Way above average. Could have mentioned how to make a foot pad while you were at it but never mind. Love the pictures. Good script. Great actors. Have an oscar.
Thanks, haha. Yeah, JB is definitely pretty. She also has the dullest claws, so...I often use her to be my mannequin.
Hmm...foot pad? I'm not sure what you mean. The gauze pad that goes under the wrap?
As someone who has no experience with this is was very easy to understand and covers any questions or issues I could possibly have. Very well written and easy for beginners to follow. If I ever have issues with bumble foot I will definitely use this article as a guide, and I would recommend to anyone else with that issue.
Well done, well-written article. The photos should be helpful to anyone unsure of the process.
Very thorough! Great article!
Well written, easy to follow, and very clean. Great article!
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