
  1. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Salmon Faverolles with Potential Bumblefoot (Pictures)

    I have three Salmon Faverolles (named Brie, Mari, and Debbi) with what I think is bumble foot. None of the other breeds have this. They are 10 months old and in good health aside for the feet. I noticed it first about 1 month ago. We did a ton of research and tried to remove the bumblefoot from...
  2. J

    Is this BUMBLEFOOT?

    Is this Bumble foot? There is no scab like the photos of bumble foot online- maybe it is an early case? Any advice welcomed! Thank you. The hen is fine other than limping.
  3. C

    Leg/foot hatching injury, disease, what's going on?

    The baby call duck just hatched today a day later than all the rest and I noticed there is something off with it's foot/ leg? I need help and advice my first time with hatching ducklings.
  4. Sugarcoop

    Rooster’s feet/spurs bleeding, don’t know what to do!

    My one and a half year old rooster has a bleeding foot, and I’m unsure about whether it’s coming from the spur or a wound on the leg itself. He lives in a spacious coop with 5 hens, and acts/looks completely normal and healthy. However, his feet do bleed pretty often (around once every 2 months...
  5. OutbackQuackers

    Curled foot - pls help

    Male call duck hops around on one foot while his other is curled up. His eyes are also watering, making his face crusty. It started a week ago and at first, I thought it was bumblefoot but now I'm not so sure. I've been soaking his foot in salt water every day for the past week and it hasn't...
  6. M

    Strange growths on roosters feet

    Today I noticed some strange growths on one of my roosters feet. At first I thought it was caked on mud but when I tugged on them it started bleeding. I thought maybe it was bumble foot but I've never seen bumblefoot that looked like this. Any idea what it is?
  7. B

    Toenail Issue

    Anyone ever run across anything like this? Looking for recommendations how to treat this curled toenail/swelling (left foot, back toe). How to know how much toenail to cut off?
  8. G

    Important!! Guinea badly limping, bumblefoot cure not working/ is this bumblefoot?

    My male guinea started limping recently and his legs started shaking, getting worse quickly. When i checked his feet, i noticed these big black scabbish things in his toes. My first thought was bumblefoot, but after soaking in very warm water with epsom salts for at least twenty minutes and...
  9. DuckDuckPromise

    Leg injury, but unsure of treatment? Please help!

    Hi there! We have some chickens that will be 12 weeks old tomorrow, Lord’s Willing! Sadly, a raccoon got into the pen a few nights back and got one of them :hit Praise The Lord, the others all seemed okay, but we noticed one laying down more than others. She (he) is still eating and drinking...
  10. LizzzyJo

    What is this on hen’s foot?

    She is a 5 year old lavender orpington. She has some other health issues, but is doing ok. This has been on her foot for about 4-5 months. She will limp for a while then be fine for weeks. It has never spread or changed. No other chickens have foot issues. I’d love anyone’s help, but I am going...
  11. R

    Baby Chick Can’t Use a Foot

    I have a chick that hatched a few days ago that can’t seem to walk properly. He has one leg toward the front and one toward the back and his foot to the front is larger and seems to be full of fluid. He doesn’t open his foot either, it stays closed like he is being held all the time. He’s been...
  12. Dr_Eyeball

    Unidentified duck foot crusty infection, seeking advice

    Hi. I have recently bought 3 Muscovy ducklings about 10 days ago. (I also have 2 chickens and have had more of both in the past.) The situation: The ducklings are roughly 4, 6 & 8 weeks old. The oldest is also significantly larger, so I suspect it is a drake. The oldest has some sort of foot...
  13. M

    Injured Foot

    My 1.5 year old SLW hen is limping and not putting much weight in that foot while on the roost bar. We’ve brought her in and soaked it in Epsom salts 2 nights in a row. Tonight she did not want to put that foot into the water. We’ve also used gauze to put chlorohexidine on it to clean. The pads...
  14. Mr_Bear

    Is this bumblefoot ?

    Hello to all of you chicken enthusiast ! I was hoping my first post on this forum would be something more positive, but I have a bit of a problem with one of my hens. I try not to pick the chickens up too often because I don't like to create stressful situations for them. I moved my flock to a...
  15. S

    Bumblefoot- week after scab removal

    Hi everyone, I used to have an account here a while back but seemed to have lost my login information. I have a rooster who is a week into recovery from a bumblefoot scab removal on both feet, a vet performed the scab removal. Rooster was born around 2020 (two years old), breed is a polish...
  16. HayleyCrum

    Hurt leg

    my guinea boy has a hurt leg, he has no open sores or wounds. the foot is hot and he isnt able to move his tallons like he does on the other foot. my rooster earlier in the week had something where he was limping also so im wondering if it is something that will fix on its own or not. is he...
  17. T

    Dealing with buildup of poop/dirt between toes

    I'll preface this by saying that I did not take any pictures. My 4 year old Plymouth Barred Rock had a swelling between two toes of each foot. After inspection, I found that a wad of dirt and poop had collected in the webbing between 2 of her toes. This was the situation on each foot. I cleaned...
  18. X

    Foot Paralysis?

    on our chickens left foot her three front toes are limp. she has full extension of the rest of her leg but she can’t pull it in herself. it doesn’t feel like there’s a break so i’m thinking it could be paralysis. any opinions?
  19. chicken_harpist

    Need helping confirming bumblefoot

    Hey all, I was with my chickens yesterday and saw a black scab on one of my hens’ top of their foot. I think it’s bumblefoot and I’m ready to proceed going that route, but I wanted yalls opinion. She’s not limping, and it’s stayed the same size since yesterday. Thank you!
  20. Echoes

    Injury on roos foot. What to do?! *PICS*

    So I went out to feed the quail this morning and there were splats of blood all over the cage. Thought maybe there was a fight in there, though that would be strange because they've (1 roo & 6 hens) always been fine together. Though, 2 of the girls were just introduced in there alittle over a...
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