
  1. horselove

    When to treat subcutaneous emphysema (ruptured air sac) in wild finch?

    Yesterday I found a finch (adult female) unable to properly fly but otherwise appearing healthy, I kept her on the porch for safety and monitoring, and this morning she had a large air bubble, approximately the size of her skull, on the back left of her neck. This evening the bubble had expanded...
  2. E

    Duck with Swollen foot - antibiotics? Treatment advice?

    We have a pekin with a swollen foot, it's got a low-grade infection (I know because it's hot). There's a swollen red blister on the right hand side and the middle toe is doubled in size. She is limping and has been limping for a few weeks now. I have tried washing her and doing some general...
  3. B

    Urgent help please!!

    Unfortunately my male quail is very unwell. This has happened all of a sudden as he was fine midday but nearer evening time he became very sleepy, tired, keeps shutting eyes, lump near throat area. Not eating or drinking, blood a few times in poo. Very slight redness around backside. I’m...
  4. S

    Vent Prolapse (dead tissue/intestines ??)

    Hi everyone I have a bit of emergency and could use some advice ! I have a nearly 4 year old Cochin chicken with what appears to be a prolapse vent from laying an egg that was to large (look at picture below for egg) for her. Note this is her first egg after going through a molt Two days ago...
  5. A

    My duck whose left eye is blind

    Hello. The left eye of my female Peking duck, seen in the photos about 2 weeks ago, was closed when I woke up in the morning. When I looked, it was pulled into the eye, but no damage was visible. (I don't know if he pecked my chickens or got garbage in his eyes, they stay in the coop with the...
  6. K

    Must Have Items for your Flock

    Hi Everyone!! As a fairly new chicken mom I’ve come across various bumps along the road. As these bump come along I’ve acquired a small kit of remedies (tylan, metronidazole, Vetrx) but I’m wondering what are your must haves to keep on hand at all times in case of an emergency? I’m trying to...
  7. S

    Nebulizing ducks with F10 for virus- urgent! Any and all help appreciated!

    Our flock of 4 ducks was taken down to 3 this morning. Our sweet welsh harlequin Moa seemingly succumbed to duck viral enteritis (DVE). I'm super worried about my other 3 ducks as they share all the same water and food, and DVE is contagious. Although google says there is no cure for DVE once...
  8. Aprilxoxo

    Sick quail with dizzyness

    Hi everyone I have a sick quail and have to wait to see the vet and wanting to know how to help her in the meantime. This quail has gotten herself sick by repeatedly dunking her whole head in water when she goes for a drink. I didnt know she was doing this until i saw that her white feathers...
  9. joymo

    Deworming and other things(?) for Bantams

    Hello! My hens(2 OEGBs) are healthy and don't show any signs of illness. However, I've just learned that I should be deworming them regularly for prevention of infestation. They are nearly a year old and have never had any treatments whatsoever. I've started my research but I'm pretty confused...
  10. thunder21

    Is it safe to mix two medication in water?

    Im currently treating my chicken from coryza and I have water soluble powder of Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim and Tylosin with Amoxicillin. Is it safe to mix them in 1 gallon water?? I couldn’t find any information about this. Thank you so much.
  11. Wandering_r0gue

    Quail chick with injured toe

    I have one quail chick that looks like it has dried poop stuck to the tip of one toe. I tried to carefully break it off but it is very hard, and seemed to be causing the bird distress. Now, it is walking fine, but it looked like there was some blood underneath it, so I am thinking now it injured...
  12. Wandering_r0gue

    Quail chick with injured toe

    I have one quail chick that looks like it has dried poop stuck to the tip of one toe. I tried to carefully break it off but it is very hard, and seemed to be causing the bird distress. Now, it is walking fine, but it looked like there was some blood underneath it, so I am thinking now it injured...
  13. R

    HELP! Parasite treatment in chickens!

    Hello all! Firstly thank you for your time! Can you all tell me the best internal parasite treatment you guys have used? I’m looking for the safest and that obviously works! Any thoughts on Panacur? My vet recommended this but as the bottle doesn’t say for chickens I wanted to see if anyone...
  14. coltgrizzz

    Sneezy Chicken Help

    One of our little silkies started sneezing about a week ago. Didn’t think much of it cause it was infrequent. Now she’s sneezing constantly. Other than the sneezing she’s fine - eating, drinking, foraging, no ocular or nasal discharge. She also seems to be the only member of the flock displaying...
  15. C

    Poultry Mite Treatment that actually works??

    Hi, So the past week or several days or so I have found bites on my body which I am positive are poultry mites from my chickens. Dealt with mites before last year summer and got rid of em with permethrin powder but now they are back. The permethrin works but it is a hassle to apply to the...
  16. Avian Flu: How to treat the disease and protect the susceptible

    Avian Flu: How to treat the disease and protect the susceptible
  17. J

    Need help with diagnosis

    My most spunky chicken, a 5 year old, recently stopped perching, then had trouble walking and upon examining - I found a growth - for lack of a better word. It’s between her body and right leg. It’s hard to the touch and ranges from dark brown to yellow. She’s now on antibiotics, pain killers...
  18. G

    Mycoplasma Treatment Success With Silkie Chicken Using Colloidal Silver Nebulizer

    Hi! Just wanted to share what I did to treat my silkie hen who was suffering from a very bad case of Mycoplasma / upper respiratory infection .. short version I bought a portable nebulizer on Amazon (ASOMI brand $44) I had some Equisilver Respiratory Solution also from Amazon for my horse...
  19. titosfarm

    penicillin g use for sick chicken

    I have a chicken who has been struggling for weeks. I recently made a post about her, but her symptoms are: weakness in legs, light crop, mucus/drainage from nose, and struggle balancing. We debated just putting her down but she is still very responsive and we hate to if we don’t have to. The...
  20. A

    Hen with sour crop!!!

    Help!!! My Rhode Island Red Bantam has sour crop. How can I help her? Will it go away on its own? I noticed that she was being really sad today (not eating, standing/sitting around, etc) and I felt that her crop was really squishy and fluid-like. Earlier she threw up a little bit of yellowish...
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