
  1. P

    Is this bumble healing?

    Warning - I've kept the thumbnails small because the wounds are quite gross. One of our girls (2 yr old Orpington blue), had a bumble we thought we took out pretty well. But two weeks later the black plug came back larger, so we soaked for a few days and took it out again and it looked like...
  2. Launchpad

    Duck bumblefoot surgery help - large bumble

    Blanche is a 9 month old silver Appleyard (a big one; the only duck i have larger is my big male Pekin) While dealing with another ducks possible foot issue, i had neglected checking the feet of the four youngest four maybe 3 or 4 weekd as they've never had problem and i wasnt worried. Enter...
  3. S

    Bumblefoot- week after scab removal

    Hi everyone, I used to have an account here a while back but seemed to have lost my login information. I have a rooster who is a week into recovery from a bumblefoot scab removal on both feet, a vet performed the scab removal. Rooster was born around 2020 (two years old), breed is a polish...
  4. Launchpad

    Male Cayuga - normal feet or bumble

    Frasier is an almost 4 month Cayuga. Today I noticed him standing on one foot two separate times. So we caught him and took some pictures. There was a small cut on the L foot and it's not even visible in the photos which may have been the source. But I noticed the spots and it's the age old...
  5. Nadilli

    PLEASE HELP Feathers being pulled + bumble foot

    This little girl, named Willow (Willow Ptarmigan) is having some issues, apx 9-10 weeks old . I recently got her from a local breeder, and she’s had issues from day 1, with her own clutch mates! My older chickens don’t bother her at all but her clutch mates constantly pick at her tail feathers...
  6. How to Correctly Wrap a Chicken's Foot!

    How to Correctly Wrap a Chicken's Foot!

    I finally did it: I created an article on how to wrap chicken feet. I consider myself a little bit of an expert because I’ve been dealing with an ungodly amount of bumblefoot in the flock lately. *sigh* Wrapping feet is absolutely necessary after any sort of foot pad surgery (most commonly to...
  7. NubbyRyuu

    Is This Bumblefoot?

    Last night, I went into the barn to put my chickens in their coop, and I found one of my 7mo hens acting out of the ordinary, lying there in the middle of the stall (it was a horse barn). I picked her up and thought maybe the weather got to her as she just let me hold her (something she's not...
  8. lbgreenfield

    Dosing for Corid & Valbazen

    I have a sick 4.5 year old Cali White. I posted a thread a few days ago and didn’t get any responses (See Post Here). I’m going to dose her with Valbazen and Corid. What’s the dosing amount for each medicine and what is dosing schedule (4mL/day for 3 days, etc)? I have found conflicting dosing...
  9. Lavakusa

    Help needed for my little baby chicks

    I have many hens and their little baby chicks And one of the baby chick seems to be sick she can't move actively I see her little legs it's little swelling I don't think so its a bumble foot Is it possible And I have serious problem on my little baby chicks They have a digestion...
  10. ChellyRod

    Opened bubblefoot.. Now what?

    Hi, Awhile ago, a few people help me figure out what one of my hens had. We all agreed she had bumblefoot. I was able to open up her bubblefoots and clean it out. However she had one on the top of her foot. The top one was gross and weird. I was too afraid to try to get the bumble out. I was...
  11. Brandon6195#

    One Week old Chicks with Bumble Feet!?

    HELP! Today when I was cleaning the brooder I noticed that 3 of my chickens had black 'callus' looking spots on the bottoms of their feet. As seen in the picture, one even has A tiny spot on the tip of her fingernail.. The chickens are acting normal, not getting picked on and do not show any...
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