Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)

I love seeing pictures on articles especially so I know what to look for. The article was informative for me but I wasn't sure if the pox was caused by the mosquitoes or if they picked up the virus from the chickens and spread it.
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I’m so happy this article is here and explains that it’s pretty common. I thought it was preventable or my fault somehow. Only one chicken showing signs, so she is quarantined.
good pictures! An informative and to the point article. Only thing missing is the name of the vaccine and where to get it.
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I was trying to figure out what was wrong with one of my other chickens and came across this article(this isn't what I was looking for). But not a week later I notice it in one of my chickens. It's a crazy coincidence but we quarantined that bird. Unfortunately, it still spread to the rest of the flock but we already had the vaccine on the way. Being able to catch it quickly saved 7/8 of my flock.
great article and the pictures are very helpful
Thank you for sharing
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Great information! I noticed that several of our birds have this, but not to the extreme. I thought it was just old age as their plums (?) are slowly fading. We have not lost any birds either. Now, we do have new chicks, so do we need to keep them isolated from the flock? Will this go away without the vaccine?
Those pictures explain the issue perfectly. Though the title mentions nothing about prevention, i still think a small comment about it should be made for five stars.
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Good article, and has,very good photos
Good resource for Fowl Pox!
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More info on vaccination would be nice, but an informative article. Thanks.
It is very educational. However, I did want to know if the disease will end up killing the bird.
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I would have liked more information about the vaccination.
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