
  1. Papaye

    Warts on comb - What is it?

    Hello! One of my chickens - a young white legbar - has had white, yellowish, warts on her comb for a few months (since last spring at least)... ...Her name is Lila. Actually, she has no worrying symptoms : she is energetic, is laying fine blue eggs, and has never been sick since I have had...
  2. bbycarrot

    Fowlpox or something else? New waterer?

    Hi, all! Today I noticed my barred rock had a weird wart looking thing on her wattle. My husband and I set her down to get a phone to take a picture and within a few minutes the dark scab had already fallen or been pecked off. I attached a photo of what it looks like. We put some iodine on it...
  3. K

    Swollen beak/nose area - pox? Need advice!

    Hey all I have been lurking on this community for YEARS and I have found your advice so helpful. I have read a few posts about this issue because I noticed one of my hens has a swollen nose area a few days ago. She also has a bit of an open wound and she is lowest in the pecking order in my...
  4. Pharsewear

    Growth on side of eye

    I noticed this on my girl about a week and a half ago, and thought maybe she just got picked on by another chicken, it wasnt that big. I was away for a week so I went to go check her out and it got bigger. Can anyone tell me what this could be? I like to treat them myself if I can. Any thoughts...
  5. A

    What is this growth on my chickens beak

    Hello all! I have searched and searched and can’t seem to find anything on this. We have an adorable and sweet 4 month old Speckled Sussex and about a week ago we noticed this growth. At first I thought it was a giant tick! Then thought wart but now scared it might be a tumor of some kind...
  6. TwoChicksChix

    Lethargic Birds with Yellow Nasal Discharge

    Hey everyone, I have a couple birds inside and outside that have yellow nasal discharge that crusts up and are acting pretty lethargic. Some of them have warts, so I was thinking it could be fowl pox. One of the birds is very lethargic and much thinner than the others, but she’s my moms...
  7. B

    A Tumor or Lump Has Just Appeared on My Pullet's Beak

    My new leghorn pullet just had something that looks like a freaking tumor appear on the side of her beak over (I think) the past couple of days. I've included a close up photo. Very worried. Does anybody have any experience with something like this?
  8. E.D.GardenFarm

    Wart like things on chickens comb, Pictures provided.

    Saw this on the chickens comb today and not sure what to think about it, she's one of a batch of rescue ex-caged hens so condition is not brilliant but we would like to make sure no one gets any worse. She's about 15 months old and we've had her for almost 3 weeks. There is a bit of dried blood...
  9. XoPandora

    Wort? Mite?

    idk of chickens get worts or not but I saw this blister/watt looking thing my my chickens leg. Can someone tell me what the bubble thing is on her leg?
  10. TheFlockLeader

    Small growth like wart in his beak

    Hello and thanks for taking the time to help me, So today i was going to give my boy haircut' when i noticed a small wart in his beak, could yall help me identify what growth could be?
  11. C

    Warts? Scabs?

    Found these on one of my 9 week old Buff Orpingtons. It might be poop, but I’m pretty sure it’s a scab. It feels dry and hard
  12. Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)

    Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)

    Avian Pox (text courtesy of Mississippi State University, photos by BYC) Avian pox is a relatively slow-spreading viral disease in birds, characterized by wart-like nodules on the skin and diphtheritic necrotic membranes lining the mouth and upper respiratory system. It has been present in...
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