dry pox

  1. Island_Time

    Black spots / sores on comb, lethargic rooster

    Please help with any suggestions. I’m so worried. My Buff Orpington rooster is 14 weeks old and suddenly developed these black sore spots on his comb. He is extremely lethargic. I have him separated from the flock and have been treating his comb with antifungal and antibacterial creams. I have...
  2. S

    One dead Roo, other with possible dry pox?

    Hello all, I just lost one of two roosters yesterday to unknown causes. He had been receiving treatment for internal parasites, but was showing signs of a recovery and still maintaining normal behavior. After finding him dead though, his nose drained a bit of greenish fluid, so wondering if...
  3. mauichickies

    Chicks with dry(?) pox!

    Hi everyone, this is my first time posting here and I’m not the most experienced chicken owner so please pardon any ignorance. I want to do the best I can for them and I’ve been doing a ton of reading on here. I also apologize for the long post, I just want to make sure I share whatever...
  4. I Love My Chkns

    How do you cure dry pox and keep it from infecting other chickens?

    Someone I know has 2 adult chickens that are infected and they are worried about them infecting the chicks (which are right next to them) and the other adults. Is there anything they could do?
  5. myachick

    Fowl Pox???

    Hi this is my first time having chickens. I thought i was doing everything right until this happen!! :he I am almost positive its Fowl Pox from what I've read on BYC threads. I have a flock of eight, all of them have it!! I have 2 in quarantine since I think they may have the wet strain of it...
  6. Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)

    Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)

    Avian Pox (text courtesy of Mississippi State University, photos by BYC) Avian pox is a relatively slow-spreading viral disease in birds, characterized by wart-like nodules on the skin and diphtheritic necrotic membranes lining the mouth and upper respiratory system. It has been present in...
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