avian pox

  1. Itsacluckinconspiracy

    What is happening here? Fowl Pox?! Foot infection, probably NOT bumbleoot

    photos: 7 mo silverrudd, heritage Rhode Island roo and hens. A week ago I noticed my rooster was limping and not using one foot. I inspected the foot and he was missing a toenail and bleeding. Figured he got it caught on something, cleaned it up antiseptic and watched. Affected toe began...
  2. Ametrina

    Is it avian pox on my turkey?

    We have a Youth Market Turkey Show next week and our show bird displayed this black spot on the head, Could someone help ID it?
  3. Sunnypollito

    Avian pox in quails

    I need some advice one of my quail showed symptoms of avian pox, I already have it separated. I have 6 week old quails next to the adults where that sick quail was. and none of my quails are vaccinated. should I vaccinate all the quail that might have been exposed? Are my little quail in danger...
  4. Strato

    I think this adult hen has pox, what do do?

    I live in Hawaii where we have a huge population of feral chickens. I am raising a flock of mostly silkies, along with two adopted feral chickens from the jungle. The two feral chickens have not had any vaccinations, but I want to look into that because this has me very worried. One of them...
  5. TheBirdBabe

    Is this a case of mites?

    This afternoon a wild bird appeared in front of our windows. Our house is only 100 yards or so from our chicken coops. It looks sick. 😭 I was going to put it out of it's misery, but by the time I got around the house to it, it was gone. 😔 What are your thoughts?!
  6. StardustChicken

    Fowl pox and reintroducing hen

    I've had a fowl pox outbreak I've been dealing with for the last 5 weeks. The chick that was originally infected was hatched/being raised by a broody hen with 5 other siblings. The family has been quarantined from the rest of the flock. All of the chicks developed lesions except, strangely...
  7. R

    Avian pox or respiratory illness

    Hi, I've had a respiratory illness running through my flock. I'm based in asia. Symptoms watery nose, sneezing coughing. A couple have developed one eye closed. A couple smelt a little off. Some have had thick mucus. I have about 22 chickens. A couple have also developed black spots on their...
  8. A

    Help! Whole flock is just OFF!?

    Ok so since my neighbors chickens have ventured over and mingled with my flock before I noticed we’ve had a slew of issues pop up! a Few hens started sneezing and then several others did as well as well as random ones getting runny noses. Rooster sounds like he’s got wheezy/rattly breathing as...
  9. C

    Fowl Pox

    Hello all!! So I am fairly new to the chicken world. I made a rookie mistake. I bought all of my chickens as day old chicks from feed stores. I have 8 currently laying, two roosters and 40 some pullets varying in ages. I purchased 5 started pullets online from what I thought was a reputable...
  10. Maddiejayne

    Fowl pox

    My 1 year old roo has fowl pox- I’m almost certain of it. Started off with a cyst on his eye along with multiple bumps on his comb and waddles. He separated most of the time for breeding purposes. After a week of noticing it, it’s now covered all of his head skin. Is there anything I can do...
  11. M

    Is this Fowl Pox??? Please help

    I am posting again here because I got no responses the first time and I really need advice please. I discovered one of my chicks with her beak weird and lost it when i saw this growth that is across most of the roof of her mouth. i looked back on photos and have been able to calculate that...
  12. scalci

    Fowl pix?

    I have an 8.5 y/o leghorn and two 3 y/o sexlinks. They recently have had an outbreak of lice, I treated the coop with permethrin and DE and it seems to be much better. They had scaly leg mites and mite bites on their combs as well but I have been doing foot soaks and applying petroleum jelly or...
  13. Uhh_lyssaaa

    Possible avian pox?

    I am wondering if this could be avian pox and if so is there any treatment that I need to do?
  14. CP1900

    Fowl pox

    I’ve had two chickens die of fowl pox. How to I protect my remaining flock?
  15. Theresa21

    Avian Pox and a Respiratory illness?

    I have a 6 month old Barnvelder hen who is showing symptoms of what I believe are Avian Pox (the spots on her comb & wattle) and a respiratory illness (the foamy eye). I haven't seen either of these symptoms in my birds before, and have made these assumptions based on research I've done here at...
  16. jopheso

    Avian Pox aka Fowl Pox

    I want to document a case of avian pox. We had this in our flock last year and it was really scary because of how ugly it looks and how long it lasts. We actually lost 2 birds to this because we didnt know what to do. I want to try to help anyone new to this. It is NOT blackhead which is deadly...
  17. Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)

    Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)

    Avian Pox (text courtesy of Mississippi State University, photos by BYC) Avian pox is a relatively slow-spreading viral disease in birds, characterized by wart-like nodules on the skin and diphtheritic necrotic membranes lining the mouth and upper respiratory system. It has been present in...
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