Your 2024 Garden

Tomatoes and lettuce in the foreground, squash behind, and bush beans in the raised bed to the right and back.

Picked peas!

Melons have sprouted!
I haven't planted summer squash yet and wanted to plant a few hills today. The old bones just don't respond to my commands like the once did. I may mud some in tomorrow after the storms move out early morning. I can plant in the sandy loam soil here a few things in small areas. Our sweet corn is tasseling and sweet potatoes beginning to vine out. In another week they should have their ridge covered quite well. The bad news is I found what looks like the beginning of an army worm invasion on our tomatoes this evening. Will deal with them tomorrow. The plants are full of bloom now and I want them gone before fruit set.
We got the second planting of sweet corn in the ground today along with some Lima beans. No if the Lima beans will just pollinate. The first time we planted them here we got 3 pods out of thousands of blooms. I think the heat may have been the culprit. I may plant some more later to set beans in September and see how that works. Still need to get okra planted ASAP. Have supplies to start the fall crop of tomatoes with. I'm a bit anxious about the tomatoes that are blooming now as any day now Tomato Horn Worms may attack. I can hand pick and feed them to the chickens if they will eat them. I know that they can be picked off easier at night when they come out to eat.

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