Your 2024 Garden

Brussels Sprouts take up a similar amount of space if you are interested.

I juice the stems and leaves of cauliflower and broccoli, so nothing goes to waste here! Any extra bits go to the chickens.
I probably should consider Brussels sprouts since they should do well in my climate.

Never thought of juicing cauliflower and broccoli leaves! I'll eat some of the cauliflower leaves boiled (broccoli leaves, not so tasty I'm afraid). Any leftovers go straight to the chickens too since they like both types of leaves.
I'll probably skip the broccoli this year since I could dedicate that space to cauliflower instead (or maybe I'll try rapini or broccolini instead).

The cauliflower I've been growing is green, so I've never had need to blanch the heads. Haven't had a problem with pests so far with it🤞
I've never grown anything but white in the past and blanched it every year. One thing we never did is to make sweet pickles out of it. At an early age I learned once the jar of sweet chunk pickles got low enough in the jar to take a fork and work it down into the jar and fish out the pickled cauliflower. I love it. The problem was so did my mom. She knew who got it and I had beat her to it fair and square. I think a jar of 50/50 cucumber and cauliflower would be good. Maybe done with a bread and butter recipe?
:frow Hey.

I have a lot of plants and fruit trees. Aside from what comes back, i will probably be planting some rosemary, dill, sage, some currants, kale, Hot peppers, and tomatoes. Probably more too, but we’ll see. Looking to can my fruit, like peaches and cherries.
I love canning peaches
Those are the ones I was looking at too
No reason not to bottle your own line of hot pepper sauce too. I want to grow some Ghost Pepper this year.
Oh man, this can get dangerous....
Those are all for me, the chickens can fight me for them!
I'm going to broad cast a mix of them over about 1/8 of an acre. I'll steal what we need and let the chickens harvest their own. Will chickens eat beet tops? I want 98 jars of pickled beets. We eat a quart a week. The canner holds 14 quarts at a time so 7 loads will make enough for us and a few for the kids.
I love canning peaches

Those are the ones I was looking at too

Oh man, this can get dangerous....
I found a place down around Everglades City, FL that had a major section of unique labeled hot sauces. I bought a bottle that said, "Slap my A$$ and Call Me Slick Willie". If you can think it you can sell the stuff. Oh and you just have to use your imagination as to whose picture was on the bottle. :)
I will have to keep trying broccoli. I would like to grow it.
Watermelons are a little tricky here too. Well worth it if they are good though.
We grew broccoli for the first time and the plants grew HUGE with little tiny broccoli heads on them. Must be something the horses eat as our neighbor hauls horse poop over here every spring for our garden.
We grew broccoli for the first time and the plants grew HUGE with little tiny broccoli heads on them. Must be something the horses eat as our neighbor hauls horse poop over here every spring for our garden.
So cute!

One day we had about 20 goats in our yard eating our crops. No clue where they came from or what.
I'm going to broad cast a mix of them over about 1/8 of an acre. I'll steal what we need and let the chickens harvest their own. Will chickens eat beet tops? I want 98 jars of pickled beets. We eat a quart a week. The canner holds 14 quarts at a time so 7 loads will make enough for us and a few for the kids.
I don't know as I eat the beet tops! That's the best part to me. They sure love the kale though. We grow that just for them.

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