Hi my chicken have the same symptoms.!!!!!
what can I do ??
Like 2 days ago she has this symptoms. Yesterday she was fine. Today she dont eat, dont drink, dont move drom a single spot and her poop is yellow :(
I am not an expert by no means but my chicken (black austrolorp) suffered from this. I did manage to save her by giving her apple cider vinegar in the waterer and giving her Ultra kibble. Ultrakibble is known to firm up the poops so I gave it to my hen. Also I know chickens should be eating their feed but when my was down I fed her anything she would try to eat. bread, mealworms anything to just keep her going. It's not a perfect solution but I just tried to treat the symptoms and did my best to care for her. It has been two months ago and although she is not laying as well as her sisters she is alive and does not suffer from the issue any longer.
Hi my chicken have the same symptoms.!!!!!
what can I do ??
Like 2 days ago she has this symptoms. Yesterday she was fine. Today she dont eat, dont drink, dont move drom a single spot and her poop is yellow :(
Best to start by bring her inside where it's warm. Sick bird are almost always hypothermic (too cold), so get her inside ASAP! Ideal temp for a sick bird is 80-85 degrees.

Is it possible for a.pullet to have worms but gain weight. My sussex shows signs of worm except for loosing weight. And I dewormer them all last week

Nathalie Ross
I would put them on 7 days of sulmet in the water...
for the coccidiosis now that you have it
Nathalie's explanation of sulmet is
Sulmet is sulfamethazine.
Sulmet is used for treatment against bacterial scours in cattle, which just happens to be E. coli.
It also is used against Coryza, Pastuerella, and Salmonella Pullorum in poultry. It's an old fashioned sulfur drug, very broad spectrum, safe for babies, easy to give.
then give them the wet mash probiotic so they can make good gut flora
Here is the way I would use and have used sulmet for coccidiosis
Now what to do and what to feed after medicating for coccidiosis
to make sure they eat the medicated wet mash do this first ans second day of treating and medication in the water 7 days
also I use the wet mash with sulmet or corid
2 tbsp of dry crumbles(chicken mash)
4 tbsp of water
1 tsp of sulmet add to the water
if using corid
2 tbsp of dry mash
4 tbsp of water
add 2 tbsp of corid 9.6% to the water
feed 2 tsp per chicken for a feeding
feed this two mornings to get the medication in the birds
also at same time put the corid or sulmet in the drinking water for 7 days
speckled hen gives corid(9.6%) liquid in 3-4 tbsp per gallon of water
and after medicating give the following things
either the corid amproylium or the sulmet will work but now you have a difficient gut problem with the E.coli
and it needs to have the Vitamin E and selenium put in the wet mash probiotic to help the E.coli gut problem
do this
now the
natural probiotic recipe is is:
1 qt of dry crumbles
2 qts of milk, sweet, sour, or buttermilk or a mixture of all or some
1/4 cup of non flavored yoguart ( no artificial sweetmer)
mix good
and add 1- 1000 mg of Vit E by cutting the end off the vit E capsule for each chick fed this wet mash
and 1 seliunium tablet crushed for each chick fed this wet mash
putting it in the wet mash
this for each chick your treating
so for each chick use 2 tsp of mixture and 1-1000 mg of Vit E
and 1 sleinium tablet crushed in the wet mash probiotic
twice a day for them till the manure is solid
and feed each chick
2 tsp full of the wet mash probiotic and what they will clean up in 20-30 minutes
then clean wet feeders and restock dry crumbles
do this twice a day for a week
till the chicks manure is right
then quit the Vit E and selinium make just the wet mash probiotic
then once a week for life
All the while after mdicating the birds use
do not use ACV with medication
2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar per gallon of the chicken water so their gut flora wil be regulated
they should have this at least 3-5 days a week
then three days aweek after they are over coccidiosis
Glenda L Heywood Cassville Missouri
You might try researching blackhead on google. My turkey had it and I got over over it with a BIG dose of cayenne pepper in the water and feed. If you use it be aggressive with the pepper. I used a bottle in 3 days. Should work pretty fast, in about a day, if it's blackhead. The chickens like the pepper. Sounds like blackhead but I'm no chicken expert, just researched the blackhead a good bit, but for turkeys, not chickens.
Poultry (especially free-ranging) and wild birds commonly harbor
a number of parasitic worms with only mild health problems from them.

Turkeys are much more susceptible to getting blackhead than are chickens.

Thus, chickens can be infected carriers for a long time because they are not
removed or medicated by their owners,
and they do not die or stop eating/defecating.

H. gallinarum eggs can remain infective in soil for four years, a high risk of transmitting blackhead
to turkeys remains if they graze areas with chicken feces[5] in this time frame.

The most common symptom of blackhead disease is yellow, watery bird droppings
. To reduce the spreading of the disease, sick birds must be removed and their litter changed.

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