Will chicks shrink wrap if not pipped?

Easter eggs

9 Years
Apr 2, 2010
We are on day 20.
One chick hatched, no others pipping yet. My 4 year old accidentally broke the plastic viewing window of the incubator. The temp and humidity didn't seem to drop much in the few minutes it took me to fix it but I'm not sure as my hygrometer is rubbish!
The same thing happened again ten minutes later when my son decided to demonstrate to his sister how he broke it the first time- This time only a few seconds and it was fixed.
Are the chicks likely to shrink wrap or does that only happen if they have pipped?
It can happen even before they pip but I think you are fine because you fixed it pretty quick. Also there should be enough time for the membrane to get hydrated again because it is only day 20
Thank you. I was contemplating breaking in and 'helping' incase they were suffocating but I won't now!

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