Why are my baby chicks scared of me??

Hold a few treats in your hand until they come. Then after they do a few times don’t use treats. Then do again and so on and so forth
Great advice!
I did that with all mine and even now as almost adults they are still very social with us.
I might add that my chickens prefer to be scooped up from underneath rather than snatched from above. I tend to think that with me reaching under then they know I'm not some predator flying in.
They still yack about being held but they aren't in a frightened panic.
Hold a few treats in your hand until they come. Then after they do a few times don’t use treats. Then do again and so on and so forth
Great advice!
I did that with all mine and even now as almost adults they are still very social with us.
I might add that my chickens prefer to be scooped up from underneath rather than snatched from above. I tend to think that with me reaching under then they know I'm not some predator flying in.
They still yack about being held but they aren't in a frightened panic.
Great advice!
I did that with all mine and even now as almost adults they are still very social with us.
I might add that my chickens prefer to be scooped up from underneath rather than snatched from above. I tend to think that with me reaching under then they know I'm not some predator flying in.
They still yack about being held but they aren't in a frightened panic.
I have a few that fly up and land on my arm when i hold it out
One buff Orpington, one ameraucana, two cinnamon queens and two black australorps
Are they all females? My roos hated to be picked up even at an early age.
We have a poland roo, 2 Australopes and two Wyandots that prefer their own. They're social but hang around each other all the time.
The Ameraucana's are another story, when we're taking our morning coffee in the run (we have a large run) the Ameraucanas will jump up in my lap and visit.
We also have Dominiques, and a RIR and they come to visit but don't get personal.
The Poland roo....he hates me and I hand fed him from a chick! But then again his girls pay attention to me so I'm the competing rooster now.
Freeze dried mealworms greatest training tool there is, put some in you hand, let them come to you. Once they figure it out, they'll be all over your hand/arm. PATIENCE is the main tool. And as it's been said, don't grab from above, I've learned scooping from under works ... middle & ring finger under/between their legs, the other fingers to brace. Again PATIENCE is the "trick".

Never thought I'd "tame" older girls but again PATIENCE & TIME, I had (5) 7month old Wyandottes running to me at the end of a month. Hang in there ...
what i do!
One buff Orpington, one ameraucana, two cinnamon queens and two black australorps
hmm... those are all usually very freindly breeds.
Great advice!
I did that with all mine and even now as almost adults they are still very social with us.
I might add that my chickens prefer to be scooped up from underneath rather than snatched from above. I tend to think that with me reaching under then they know I'm not some predator flying in.
They still yack about being held but they aren't in a frightened panic.
This is Very true! some of mine actually like to be held when i scoop them from underneath! they always run when i try to pick them up from above! they like their wings to be free!

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