Scared Chicks


In the Brooder
Jan 4, 2024
Madison, WI
My chicks are 2.5 weeks old and I feel like they’re soooooo skittish. I have been holding them, sitting with them, moving slow and steady, kept things quiet for them as much as possible (they’re in our basement so noises are happening often), and always talk gently and sweetly to them, have avoided any traumatic incidences of gathering them and scaring them etc. I keep my hand low and wait for them to come to me, don’t force them to be held if they don’t want to be. Our home is pretty calm. Some of them fly on my lap and sit and fall asleep in my hand.. and yet all the time, they get SO startled and where they’re crashing into the walls afraid of me walking by to turn on a light, raising up part of their brooder to sit with them which I do multiple times a day still, a sneeze or cough or laugh causes them to absolutely PANIC. It’s so so so exhausting having to ask my husband to be more careful with how loud he is being because I don’t want them just constantly being terrified by the big sounds he’s making upstairs. I don’t want them to have an environment where they’re afraid all of the time. Do they grow out of this or is it something I’m doing wrong? We live in the city so they are in for a rude awakening when I move them to their coop. Thank you so much! I just love them! Wondering if it could be their breed? I have 8 Easter eggers.
My chicks are 2.5 weeks old and I feel like they’re soooooo skittish. I have been holding them, sitting with them, moving slow and steady, kept things quiet for them as much as possible (they’re in our basement so noises are happening often), and always talk gently and sweetly to them, have avoided any traumatic incidences of gathering them and scaring them etc. I keep my hand low and wait for them to come to me, don’t force them to be held if they don’t want to be. Our home is pretty calm. Some of them fly on my lap and sit and fall asleep in my hand.. and yet all the time, they get SO startled and where they’re crashing into the walls afraid of me walking by to turn on a light, raising up part of their brooder to sit with them which I do multiple times a day still, a sneeze or cough or laugh causes them to absolutely PANIC. It’s so so so exhausting having to ask my husband to be more careful with how loud he is being because I don’t want them just constantly being terrified by the big sounds he’s making upstairs. I don’t want them to have an environment where they’re afraid all of the time. Do they grow out of this or is it something I’m doing wrong? We live in the city so they are in for a rude awakening when I move them to their coop. Thank you so much! I just love them!
What type of brooder are you using and where is it?
I wouldn't worry about noise from your family
It’s a cardboard brooder from mypetchicks. It’s underneath our basement staircase in a big room. Maybe stairs is an issue? We go up & down then maybe 5-10 times a day? They have lots of room and toys in there.
It’s a cardboard brooder from mypetchicks. It’s underneath our basement staircase in a big room. Maybe stairs is an issue? We go up & down then maybe 5-10 times a day? They have lots of room and toys in there.
Try putting them on a table so they're level with you and you're not looming over. The stairs noise shouldn't bother them, chickens get used to regular noise
What breeds do you have?

Regardless of what breeds they are, adding noise might help. Then, the household noises will blend into the general noise instead of standing out so much. And/or hearing any given noise more often will help them figure out it is background noise instead of something to be concerned about.
Their entire demeanor will change once they mature and come into lay. I made a similar post months ago about my first brood of chicks and now they’re all laying, run to me when they see me and let me pick them up/pet them without protest. Some like it more than others, but really it was a like a complete 180 of personality once they started laying.

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