
8 Years
Nov 25, 2014
some place in Texas.
TL;DR-- My whole flock has mites/fleas, is there a permanent solution to getting rid of them at this point?

It's been a while since I posted here, so hello again BYC.

Over the past few months our flock of 29 chickens has picked up little flea-looking pests, chicken mites? I'm not entirely sure what they are-- if anyone knows that would be appreciated. I'll provide photos.

We haven't lost any chickens because of the mites yet but I understand if left untreated they can definitely kill over time. Me and my mom have dusted our chickens with diatomaceous earth and an insecticide (made for use on poultry) and kept them at bay, but no matter what these little suckers are always stuck to our chickens.

They look sort of like fleas and I've even caught them biting me before. They bunch around our chickens' faces, mainly under or above the eyes, under their wattles, on their combs, and on their cheeks.

We've tried dusting the coop too but we probably need to do a much more thorough cleaning. With what we have we're unable to do much more than hose the inside of the coop really good, let it dry, and dust every crevice.

Is there any way to permanently get rid of these bugs? We have some chickens we want to give away, but I'm not going to give someone else a chicken with fleas or give their chickens fleas.

And does adding garlic to feed and water actually help? I've read it can deter the mites because they don't like the taste, but I'm unsure if it makes any big difference.

Here are a few pictures of what the fleas/mites look like on the chickens:

And here's the brand of poultry dust and diatomaceous earth we use:

Thank you if you've read this far. If there's any information needed that I've left out please please ask and I'll answer because I really want to get rid of these pests once and for all.


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In my opinion DE is useless. I've tried it and it didn't do anything. I eventually used permethrin and it worked. Here is a good article on them by @casportpony.
I haven't really gotten any results with DE either. I read the article and I'll see if I can get some permethrin to kill the fleas. I tried putting vaseline on some of the chickens just about an hour ago and I'm gonna see how that works out also. Thank you!
From my understanding DE is best as a preventative and may become useless if it gets wet. I am having a large degree of success with DE and wood ash but my bugs are tiny black things the size of this period. I am treating them the second time today and when I put a small board in the bedding I came up with 2 dead ones and 1 live. I also have a much smaller flock so I am sure that also plays a roll.
The size of the flocks do make a difference of how they get treated. Currently I have around 400 birds total. I have been taking my extra males and selling them. I'm hopefully selling a dozen of mostly Rose Comb Brown Leghorn cockerels tomorrow. I have also been treating the coops for flies. For the past two weeks I have treated the coops with permethrin. It has made a big difference. In a couple of days I'll do my third treatment. I need to clean out the poop pits under the roosts but we have been getting rain every day.The poop pits are under the coops with wire over them. The permethrin has nearly eliminated flies and probably anything else (pests). After this next treatment I'll probably do one more because it's that time of year to sort out the birds and though haven't noticed anything I don't want to transfer anything from coop to coop. Good luck...
I was having serious issues with northern fowl mites and went all out with permethrin spray but had no luck. It was over 4 weeks of trying to treat them and was frustrated. Needless to say someone suggested spinosad, I bought captain jacks dead bug brew concentrate and worked like a charm! This was the update to my thread I wrote in desperation for some help. I really think that these critters are resistant to permethrin and until I used the spinosad I hd

“I wanted to update this thread as I have successfully rid my chickens of the nasty northern fowl mite infestation I had. I sprayed 2 squirts (I got a spray bottle from tractor supply) of the 1(spinosad):4(water) dilution of the caption jacks dead bug brew concentrate under each wing, their neck, underbelly, above tail, and on the vent above and below. Shortly after I sprayed it there were no more mites! I was going to reapply a week later but there were none to be found so I didn’t bother! That was over a month ago. I am so thankful for the recommendation. Not only did the captain jack help my chickens but it helped me get rid of nasty Japanese beetles in my garden that were eating my eggplants and Bag worms on my shrub. That stuff is seriously a miracle fix all for bug issues! I’ve actually been able to enjoy my chickens finally, which is definitely worth the $30 it cost. Thank you again to everyone who helped me!”

I hope this helps some!
I think most people mix the permethrin on the light side so it doesn't work well. I mixed mine a little heavy and it worked like a charm but took 3/4 weekly thorough treatments.
Deal with the problem then deal with why you have the problem. Rodents and wild bird carry these sort of vermin. Secure your feed and few rodents or birds will come around. You can pretty much fence out a bird too, not easy to fence out a rat.

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