
  1. Amberb123

    Swollen foot cannot walk- hit by car/bumblefoot/mites?

    Hi all one of my hens went missing for 3 months and by a miracle we found her on the side of the road this afternoon! She is unable to walk and we are unsure if she was hit by a car or if it is an infection. She is eating, drinking and purring. I’ve attached images below also! I look forward...
  2. J

    Treatment of coop for red mites.

    I keep reading elector PSP is the best spray to treat a coop for red mites, is there anything more affordable out there that actually works? Has anyone had any luck with ivermectin?
  3. V

    Weird skin issue? I’d love some help!

    Hi! This is my first time posting to BYC. Thanks in advance for your help :) A couple weeks ago I noticed my 1 year old mystic maran hen has what looks like pink, scaleless lines down the outside of each leg. I’ll post a picture for clarity. On both legs, only this small outside strip is...
  4. C

    Help!! Are these red mites or harmless clover mites?

    I am so stressed out by this. I was cleaning the coop yesterday and noticed these tiny little mites. They’re like reddish brown color and active during the day it seems. I hosed the coop and bleached it and out DE in the cracks. I’m terrified they are red mites but maybe they are just harmless...
  5. ElimAcres

    Cause of shredded like feathers???

    My Aunt has 7 chickens that are all displaying some abnormal feathering in varying degrees. Two are 7 year old Jersey Giants and 5 are about 9 mo old black Copper Marans. The majority of the feather issues are in the Marans. The feathers are curling a bit and appear to be kinda shredded at...
  6. Hsbsbhsjd

    Hello, how do I completely rid my chicken of lice and other pests?

    I currently have 3 adult hens and a few months ago I discovered that there were fleas or lice or other small parasites around their vent area. I had the chickens checked out by a vet, who gave me ivermectin to treat them for 6 weeks. I also dust them and their coop with DE quite regularly. But...
  7. J

    Mites, Molting or Something Else

    We have some 2.5 week old Indian Runner ducklings. They have dry patches around their eyes and wings. Is this normal for loosing their baby feathers? They don’t look as full as our other ducklings did at this age. I don’t see any mites but I’m not sure how tiny the mites are.
  8. M

    Thought Hen Was Eggbound But Now She Walks Fine

    Hello, Yesterday I noticed my Orphington standing off to the side while the rest of my girls ate dinner. When I approached she was shaking pretty hard and she tried to walk away and waddled like she was egg bound. She let me pick her up pretty easy (which is not usually the case). I took her...
  9. 6

    Permethrin Spray in the Winter?!

    I have used the permethrin 10 spray on my henhouse and hens last summer, to kick a bad bout of mites/lice. It worked great, and my hens feathers came back😀 However, I noticed a few broken feathers on a hen….That is what I saw previously, before recognizing a pest at work. So, to be proactive, I...
  10. B

    Use fungus Beauvearia bassiana against mites Dermanyssus galinae

    Hi, I just read that the fungus Beauveria bassiana can be used against the poultry red mite Beauveria bassiana. This fungus can be bought as a liquid, and then either sprayed or applied to cardboard/sponges where the mites then go, and get infected. There are however different strains of the...
  11. K

    Strange Feather Loss & Scaly Dry Skin on 14 Wk Old Silkies - HELP!

    Hello. This is my first post on backyard chickens. As of this past summer, I am a new chicken mama to 3 silkies (hopefully hens, but still not sure!). I have read so many helpful threads on this site. Hoping someone with more experience can provide a little guidance on a feather loss issue! My...
  12. C

    Carbaryl use??

    We’re having a terrible time with lice. I’ve tried DE; it didn’t do much. I’ve done a lot of reading on Sevin and get mixed answers so I have some questions! Is this the correct one? Has anyone used this before? I attached the active ingredients in both.
  13. chickencheerios

    Whole flock has chicken fleas/mites. How do I get rid of them?

    TL;DR-- My whole flock has mites/fleas, is there a permanent solution to getting rid of them at this point? It's been a while since I posted here, so hello again BYC. Over the past few months our flock of 29 chickens has picked up little flea-looking pests, chicken mites? I'm not entirely sure...
  14. IJsChickenMama

    first signs of scaley leg mite?

    Hello! I was wondering if the crusty ends on some of her scales are indicative of scaley leg mites.
  15. purpletiger

    Can someone confirm if this is scaly leg mites?

    Hi everyone! Hope everyone is well. Over the past year I've noticed my dominique hen named Sugar slowing down. She's about six years old. She is having a harder time keeping up with the flock and scratching for bugs. I thought she was just getting arthritis but now I'm convinced that most of her...
  16. R

    Concerned with rooster legs

    So, i'm starting this thread just to gain some advice because it's an issue i'll be tackling, I've noticed the past few weeks my roosters feet were beginning to look crusty, almost like skin is getting more and more on his legs. (I will take pictures) One thing I was concerned about was of...
  17. SniperGoose


    So I got a rescued racing homer pigeon the other week, and today I was handing him as normal when I got home from work and I felt something crawling on me. It was two long, thin bugs. I googled, and sure enough, they're feather lice. They look exactly like this...
  18. M


    We have been fighting what we think are mites all summer. It has been wet for months. We have cleaned and used what seems like everything to try to get rid of them. Part of the problem is that we're not sure what they have. The "mites" are white and are on the middle and top of the feathers...
  19. M


    We have been fighting what we think are mites all summer. It has been wet for months. We have cleaned and used what seems like everything to try to get rid of them. Part of the problem is that we're not sure what they have. The "mites" are white and are on the middle and top of the feathers...
  20. rascal66

    Poultry lice on my hair!!!

    Sad story, but my Rooster suddenly died on me this morning. I'm like 85% sure he choked while eating. Especially since his comb and wattle was purple the moment i saw him thrashing around. Anyways, long story short, I went to go process him. I periodically check my flock for lice, but looks...
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