chicken fleas

  1. NinjaGamer2022

    Sticktight flea problem, what should I do?

    I noticed one of my roosters has a few sticktight fleas around his eye. How should I treat him and his enclosure? Thank you.
  2. A

    I’m a newbie

    Hello, I’m a newbie to this site. Thanks for having me. I currently have 2 hens and 5 pullets ( I hope). I have been battling stick tight fleas for years. Have tried many many things to no avail. Help!!
  3. jgessentials

    Fleas everywhere - hope on the horizon!

    Hello, Thank you to this great community, I have learned so much from reading your precious articles. I wanted to share a little bit about our experience with fleas and chickens. A few months ago we noticed with horror that a rat had found its way into our chicken run and nade a nest...
  4. chickencheerios

    Whole flock has chicken fleas/mites. How do I get rid of them?

    TL;DR-- My whole flock has mites/fleas, is there a permanent solution to getting rid of them at this point? It's been a while since I posted here, so hello again BYC. Over the past few months our flock of 29 chickens has picked up little flea-looking pests, chicken mites? I'm not entirely sure...
  5. Ruth and mermaid

    Dog and cat tick and mite power for chickens?

    Hi everyone. Hope someone can give me some advice? I live in somewhere where it is not easy to get hold of the products recommended for dealing with mites and fleas with out exporting it from abroad. For example, I can't get hold of food grade DE. Can we use a dusting power designed for cats...
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