What is this on my cockatiel?

Sunny Side Up

Count your many blessings...
11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Loxahatchee, Florida
My poor little cockatiel, Gimel, has a big lump just behind his left leg, about the size of a grape. The vet says it's a lipoma, a fatty tumor, caused by poor diet (too much seed, not enough pellets). She advised changing his diet and dabbing it with DMSO. The DMSO did nothing to affect the lump and the change in diet hasn't helped either.

Actually, the vet at first seemed unsure of just what it was and I felt she might just be guessing. Her only other plan is to surgically remove it which would cost over $400. Which is so far beyond what I could/would pay, unfortunately.

Otherwise Gimel seems little affected by it, he continues to sing & chat & eat & poop as usual. Has anyone else ever had this on their bird? Could it be something that could be drained rather than cut out?

Thank you for your input!

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I had this happen to one of my parakeets but not nearly as big. It affected him pretty bad so we had to put him down sadly. Unfortunately in birds like this cancers and tumors are extremely common. As long as it isn't affecting Gimel I would let him live. Good luck!
My poor little cockatiel, Gimel, has a big lump just behind his left leg, about the size of a grape. The vet says it's a lipoma, a fatty tumor, caused by poor diet (too much seed, not enough pellets). She advised changing his diet and dabbing it with DMSO. The DMSO did nothing to affect the lump and the change in diet hasn't helped either.

Actually, the vet at first seemed unsure of just what it was and I felt she might just be guessing. Her only other plan is to surgically remove it which would cost over $400. Which is so far beyond what I could/would pay, unfortunately.

Otherwise Gimel seems little affected by it, he continues to sing & chat & eat & poop as usual. Has anyone else ever had this on their bird? Could it be something that could be drained rather than cut out?

Thank you for your input!

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Hi! Yes, my little fellow Papais growing his second one. He acts just as your guy. No change in attitude, movement, singing, appetite at all. Eventually it turns black and falls off! The first took about two and one-half months. This one is a bit more than three months. The first one he was doing his usual thing when I was cleaning his cage and saw something round and black on the floor of his cage. I picked it up and it smelled like him-so I looked and sure enough that was it! I cut it in half and it looked just as the outside black dry and very light. Maybe your fellow has something different but from our experience just wait.

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