Slight plucking suspicion (Parrots)


Jan 9, 2023
Overview if you don't want to read everything (scroll all the way down for pics:
I went on a 1 week trip, and when I got back, i realized that she might have plucked a bit around her wings and legs. I think its because of stress of not seeing more for so long. the longest we've been away was 4 days and we went 7 days 3 days ago, so she might have been stressed.
She is also molting at the moment and shes being monitored for more plucking.
Does anyone have experience with plucking and how to stop it?

So the edit is I weighed her cause someone recommended me to do it, she was 93grams when we left, and shes 91 grams now. I've had her weighed for 2 weeks straight before, and it was always, 90, 91, 93, 91, 90 : it always changed, her weight seems good, but im just worried about her feathers. shes on a good diet, with veggies, seeds and pellets, so Im giving her a bath tonight.

I recently went on a 1 week trip, and my cockatiel, Waffles, went into the care of my grandmother.
Waffle and I have been together since she was like less than 2 months, which in highly unusual because most cockatiels part with their mothers at least around the age of 3 months.
She would scream at me for food, just like to their mothers, and she would also be really attached to just me.

When I say that I mean like, a one person bird. She wont go near other people, and while I enjoy having Waffle to myself, I realize the problems we might face when I'm at a trip.
This isn't her first time, we've been on 3-5 trips while we were with Waffle, and Waffle is turning 2 this January. So in conclusion, we've been together for her whole life except 2 months-.

She used to stressed when im away from her for more than a day. if im not around, she'd would have called from me.
Its gotten slightly better, but if im away from a day, she gets slightly stressed.

My first suspension was when I saw a lot of feathers in her cage. Not so much but slightly more than usual
so I checked her, but nothing seemed to be wrong. It wasn't until yesterday, I noticed a bit of skin on her leg and under her wing, which all cockatiels have, so i wasn't to worried about her wing.

Shes been with me for 3 days (24/7 lol) and I think shes getting loads better. I am monitoring her closely, so I can check for more signs of plucking. It is molting season so its rather hard to tell the difference, but if this is plucking, we caught it early, and shes being closely monitored!^^ if it gets worse, which is a bit unlikely, i have an avian vet we can take her to asap.

Look around the leg and under her wing part, and you can see some skin there.
Fo us, Waffle is in the middle of molting at the moment too.

Dont worry, I checked other spots as well, its only her leg.
She also has a pin feather right in the skin patch, so it might be molting heavily there.
Does anyone have experience with plucking and how to stop it?

Bird Hand Beak Cockatiel Gesture

Vertebrate Leg Human body Felidae Jaw
Update 1: Feathers are covering up a bit, could i possibly be a molt? She is in a molt at the moment
It is possible she is a little stressed out by her molt and is plucking as a result, how old is she, It could be possible nest behavior but not likely it could also be her first molt and that could be freaking her out. Sometimes birds have a bit of a ruff first molt, one of my chickens sure did.
It is possible she is a little stressed out by her molt and is plucking as a result, how old is she, It could be possible nest behavior but not likely it could also be her first molt and that could be freaking her out. Sometimes birds have a bit of a ruff first molt, one of my chickens sure did.
She's turning 2 this january, currently 1.

Also does she get any veg or fruit or is it just seeds, sometimes plucking happens more or can be way worse if the birds diet is just seeds.
She eats chop (vegetables, with around 3-6 different veggies) and pellets and a little bit of seeds daily.

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