Sick Cockatiel


In the Brooder
Feb 8, 2022
Hi all. It was suggested from another member of BYC that I post thus question here as there are many knowledgeable people who could help.

My cockatiel (JubeJube) has suddenly become quite lethargic. He was fine yesterday (maybe a bit quieter that usual) climbing his cage, flying, eating, drinking, playing singing,etc... I have never owned a cockatiel before, buy I do have a budgie and a goose. I have had JubeJube for just over a week so I've not had much time to get to know his personality, idiosyncrasies, etc... He usually flies and climbs around the cage talking to all the other birds, but niw he is very quite, sitting on the towel at the bottom of his cage, and closing is eyes quite a lot. His breathing seems relatively normal. He's yawning frequently and every few breaths, he'll breathe with his mouth open. He has been sneezing on and off since I got him. He would sneeze three or four times in a row (I read that they can do that after cleaning themselves because they have a lot of dander). Now he'll sneeze maybe six, seven, even eight times in a row. I think that the sneezing is also a combination of hissing because he'll do it when he gets a fright too (like, if I move too quickly, etc...)

I've also had to move the room he was in, so it's possible that the stress is getting to him? I'm not sure. My goose had avian flu in late January of this year and he survived buy I really know what a sick bird looks like, and JubeJube looks sick.

He's very skittish and I live quite far out of town, so I don't think that taking him to the vet is the best idea because even getting him into a smaller cage would be traumatic. I rescued him from his previous owners and I think they must have mistreated him. He's scared of people (he dosnt mind me too much, but still flaps around and shakes when I replace his food and water in the morning and evening), cars, hands, etc...

I have antibiotics and prebiotic for parrots and budgies and have been giving him the recommended dose, but I only started last night when he was already not looking well. I've also put in the sun for some time today and he has a light sheet over three sides of the cage. He goes through phases of looking a little healthier and then really not looking well. I have also taken all my other birds away from him and given them and a small preventative dose of antibiotics followed by a recommended dose of probiotic with vitamins. None of them are showing the same symptoms as JubeJube.

Is there anything else I can do?

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