What is my cockatiel's gender?


In the Brooder
Jul 11, 2022
a pearl cockatiel, the breeder said it is a male as it's behavior is loud and active, I do not know if it had molted already or not as it still carries many spots. Should I just wait it out?
The vast majority of the time, male pearls lose their pearling when they molt, so I would say if this one has already gone through a molt, it's likely female, though some males DO retain their pearls. However this one does look like a baby yet, so it's possible it hasn't molted.

If you want to find out for sure, get a DNA test done! They are not too expensive and just require you to pluck a few feathers. I use iQ Bird Testing for my DNA tests.
It's about 9 months old so maybe it hasn't molted, thanks for the info though

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