what happened to my geese


6 Years
May 3, 2013
Hello I am hoping somebody can tell me what happened. I had a mama goose hatch 4 cute little babies on our pond. Daddy watched night and day while she sat on her eggs. Nobody ever bothered her and in fact I used to throw out cracked corn for them to eat. Well they were here for about 5 days and now all of a sudden are gone. The people next store have a pond and I walked over there today thinking they had gone over there but no they are not there either. I am concerned that something happened to them although I don't know how the way mom and dad stand by and guard. I no they are to young to fly so what do you think happened??
Hello I am hoping somebody can tell me what happened. I had a mama goose hatch 4 cute little babies on our pond. Daddy watched night and day while she sat on her eggs. Nobody ever bothered her and in fact I used to throw out cracked corn for them to eat. Well they were here for about 5 days and now all of a sudden are gone. The people next store have a pond and I walked over there today thinking they had gone over there but no they are not there either. I am concerned that something happened to them although I don't know how the way mom and dad stand by and guard. I no they are to young to fly so what do you think happened??
Do you have snapping turtles or large fish? they can eat small water fowl, if that happened or a land predator then the adults would leave. Geese really don't have anyway to protect their young. They raise their wings and make a lot of noise and my even attack but in the end they are no match for something with teeth. Fox, Coyotes Bear, roaming dogs, even raccoons can take down a goose. so lil ones don't stand much of a chance. So sorry you were robbed of the pleasure of watching them raise their lil ones.
Yes I know we have turtles and there are also bluegill and bass in the pond but I really don't know how big or how many. Wouldn't that have happened the first couple of days though? I thought that geese really protected their young with mm in front and dad in back. I feel horrible to think that happened after all the time they spent here I could cry.
New goslings while they have their down can get water logged very quickly and drowned. Or being in the water that is too cold and getting water logged is a bad combination for new goslings. Babies also tires quickly swimming.

Sorry they disappeared on you. Or maybe mom and dad knew that the goslings could drowned there so they moved them...
Yes I know we have turtles and there are also bluegill and bass in the pond but I really don't know how big or how many. Wouldn't that have happened the first couple of days though? I thought that geese really protected their young with mm in front and dad in back. I feel horrible to think that happened after all the time they spent here I could cry.
Your talking about wild Canada geese right? someone on the duck thread was saying as soon as mama duck took her ducklings into the pond the turtles and fish got them ate the whole brood in a period of days. and I have read where snapper can take off feet of waterfowl also. I guess these even though harsh and cruel are ways mother nature keeps nature in balance. Very sad though.
Aw so sorry I would just feel awful as you do, all that time and with Geese you have to wait another year. I had a chicken that sat on eggs and they kept coming up missing she didn't enen get one baby. Never did see what had taken them, I think it was a snake but who knows, just makes you sjck.
Yes it does make you sick I hate to think of anything suffering. Baby anythings are so cute and it seems that mother nature can be so cruel. I hope they don't come and lay eggs next year because it will just happen again there are too many wild things around here.
Yes I am talking about Canadian Geese and I hate to think that happened to my babies. I have a feeling it happened during the night while mom had them under her it is very upsetting though because I just love animals and hate to see anything hurt or suffer.
Don't think they drowned they were 5 or 6 days old already and had been swimming with mom and dad all that time. I think it was either a raccoon or fox since I had seen the daddy goose while mom was sitting on her eggs chase one across our backyard along the pond.

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