what happened to my geese

Don't think they drowned they were 5 or 6 days old already and had been swimming with mom and dad all that time. I think it was either a raccoon or fox since I had seen the daddy goose while mom was sitting on her eggs chase one across our backyard along the pond.
It is sad sorry for your loss.
Yes I know we have turtles and there are also bluegill and bass in the pond but I really don't know how big or how many. Wouldn't that have happened the first couple of days though? I thought that geese really protected their young with mm in front and dad in back. I feel horrible to think that happened after all the time they spent here I could cry.
I TOTALLY understand. this morning... the Papa Canadian Goose honking, relentessly at 5:30 am .. i got up with flash light went out side... mama was NOT on her nest. I KNEW something took her, i dont know if it was a coyote, fox or great horned owl?? i see some of her feathers and there was 1 egg, still warm to the touch. i have been an absolute MESS all day. i talked to a really sweet lady rebab wildlife for 58 years. she helped calm me down but I do not do well at all when this stuff happens. nature or not it is heart wrenching. poor papa goose just swimming in circles on the pond all day. he finally stopped honking and resting.

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