Weekly Growth Progress of My Chickens


6 Years
Jun 10, 2013
Battle Ground, SW Washington
I thought it might be helpful/fun to post the growth progress of my 6 chicks; 5 pullets and 1 roo. They are 8 weeks old now, and the latest pics I have of them is the Tuesday before the Friday that is their 'week birthday', but anyway, enough chat, here are my chicks:

Anna(Buff Orpington, Pullet):
Day 1

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5-6:

Week 7-8:


Alice(Ancona, Pullet)

Day 1:

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5-6

Week 7-8 (she was being a real pain in the bum.... she's real skittish and I ended up chasing her around the garage to get her back for pics... lol)

Loki(Black Australorp, Pullet)

Day 1

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5-6:

Week 7-8

Pepper(Rhode Island Red, Cockerel, and my personal fave chick)

Day 1:

Week 1

Week 2-3

Week 4:

Week 5-6

Week 7-8

Ruby(Gold Laced Wyandotte, Pullet)

Day 1:

Week 1:

Week 2-3

Week 4:

Week 5-6

Week 7-8

And finally Lacey(Silver Laced Wyandotte, Pullet)
Day 1:

Week 1:

Week 2-3

(she loves her dustbaths!)

week 4:

Week 5-6:

Week 7-8


There's my chickens. =) I stopped taking really nice pics of them around week 4-5 so it was a bit hard finding nice ones to post here, but hopefully you can all see their growth progress well enough, and perhaps this will help those looking to compare their own chicks for gender purposes and whatnot or just to see what their chicks of the same breeds might look like at these ages.

And we bought these as all sexed pullets from Wilco, and Pepper is the only one we know for sure is male, and we believe the others are all females.

It's amazing how fast they grow
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And I put this in the wrong forum, I saw "stories, pictures, updates" and wasn't reading close enough to see it was for people things? Can anyone move this to the right spot for me(The thread for chicken pictures, stories?) Or if I can do it myself, be so kind enough to tell me how?

((Sorry, usually i'm good at not posting things in the wrong spot =P ))
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Aww, they grow so fast. Thanks for sharing the chick pics. I get to live vicariously through other people's chick photos, since I wont be raising babies this year. But don't feel bad for me, I think chickens are just as fun as adults.
Thanks for the comments---- Yep they are definitely fast growers! I was at the feed store yesterday where I bought them and was looking at the chicks (desperately wanting to buy another RIR and maybe a Barred Rock and an EE) and mannn they are so tiny at first. It's hard to believe they grow as big as they do in just two months. I love adult chickens/bigger chickens nonetheless. A lot easier to hug!
SO Pepper will be taking a one way trip to a friends house for 'dinner' when he's big enough to be 'put to use', so I'll be getting a few more chicks sometime in the future and I'll post their progress here, too, and I'll also still update the pics of everyone else and Pepper up until he's gone and the girls I'll post pics of until they lay.
I will have had them for 9 weeks tomorrow


Pepper((Will be sad to see him go to be turned into dinner





((Awkwardly caught her in the middle of a very big yawn/moving food along motion))

Will have more pics of them weekly, and will be posting pictures of my new chicks when I get them as well

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