Weekly Growth Progress of My Chickens

Bought as sexed pullets,

Cuckoo Marans (First day with them, probably a few days old)



Easter Egger (Alana Bloom)

Rhode Island Red (Freddie Lounds)

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Don't have updated pics of everyone, but big ones are 14 weeks now, and Pepper has crowed a total of four times(twice on two days)


'New' babies. I think they're 4 weeks in this pic, they are 5 weeks now

Big chicks have a bit more comb and wattle to them and are starting to get red in their faces, but I don't have any updated pics of them yet
So i'm literally horrible at keeping up with these weekly growth pics, also the original 6 chickens, Pepper, Alice, Lacey, Ruby, Loki, and Anna, don't look too much different aside from growing wattles and reddening face, comb, earlobes, etc. Also, Pepper is gone--- he was getting mean to people and to the girls, so we gave him to a friend who could put him to good use(aka dinner). But the 5 pullets are doing well, and my 3 newest kids are just about 2 months old and all looking great. I am slowly working on assimilating them into the flock. Right now they have a pen inside the run they stay in in the day, and a small cage in the coop they go in at night. The big chickens are just slowly starting to accept their presence. Also, Alana, the Easter Egger, is the only new chick I have recent pics of:

I got updated pictures of everyone, AND I put the babies in the coop with the big ones with no fences dividing them. So far, they've obviously been pecked, but they are really making things worse for themselves because they get really scared, run and scream, and the big ones chase them and give them a firm peck on the back, but they're not really being mean to them. The little ones were in the coop when I left them and the big ones were downstairs eating, so hopefully everything will still be OK.
I have to check on them later, but I will post more pictures of them in a bit!
The older chicks are all 17 weeks old now(thought 16, but according to my calender, they are 17 weeks old)

Alice, Ancona

Ruby, GLW

Freddie, Alana, and Kenna,(RIR, EE, and Cuckoo Marans respectively) all 8 weeks old

Anna, Buff Orpington(17 weeks)

Lacey(SLW) and Loki(BA)

Just some fun pics

Now some pics of the 8 week olds meeting the bigger ones... they didn't want to leave my sister's side.

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