I took alcohol in College. Not very often between taking 15 hours a semester and more than 40 hours of work a week.
My wife just came back home with some bottles of that tasty blackberry liquor they make here…
You guys are the real computer genuises. i cant navigate DOS for gods sake. it makes my brain hurt

Naw. It's just what you did to be productive at the time. I started out in college programming in Fortran! Later dos, dbase then HTML, etc. I don't have any gift for it though. Remember Geocities when you made your own web page in HTML line by line? [][/]?
Naw. It's just what you did to be productive at the time. I started out in college programming in Fortran! Later dos, dbase then HTML, etc. I don't have any gift for it though. Remember Geocities when you made your own web page in HTML line by line? [][/]?
i still make HTML line by line plus CSS and JavaScript.
I also bang my head with rocks from time to time… ;) Just for fun! :lau
and then laugh and joke about it cover their uneasiness at being cruel?
Ok wow. I never meant nor said that humans should not live with moral courage. I absolutely think all things living should be respected and I do know that the raccoons are just doing what they do. My comment was only saying that it is also inhumane to let these predators continue to feed on our animals. It is our duty to protect them. There is not one thing to joke or laugh about when it comes to having to kill an animal whether or not they have a "soul" or not. I was just saying sometimes one has to do what they have to do with the options they have available to them. That is all. I was defending the OP's decision to handle things in the respectful way he is since he has already had issues with these raccoons. I mean no disrespect to anything or anyone

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