Do you walk or run!?

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Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
I made a hiking one but I wanted to make one specifically for walking and running cause it’s slightly different and I currently walk a lot more than I hike.

Which still isn’t much but better than nothing.

And it’s starting to be more lately.

Yesterday I walked a lot because I went to an aquarium then the grocery store and then on the marsh with the dog.

Also the dog and I both need to lose weight so we’re going to start walking for weight loss soon aka speed walking and not doing sniffaris where he sniffs things. Well, we'll probably still do those occasionally but not as often. We need to move not be stopping every 5 seconds 🤣


Do you walk or run!?!?!?!?

I don’t run. Sorry. I hate running. But feel free to talk about it. 🤣🤣🤣

@casportpony you are still welcome to post on the other thread but I just figured I’d make a dedicated walking one lol
I started running on the treadmill a few years ago. I was able to run a mile with no breaks. But when I tried to run outside it was different, I was so sore afterwards, and lost all motivation. Turns out you use different muscles when on the treadmill vs real running. Wish I knew that before training... 😒

I also used to walk almost 2 miles daily with my dog. After she died I stopped walking and now walking really hurts my upper back. Anyone have ideas for me on how to get started again without hurting myself? I miss walking and hiking.
Start slow. Walk a block then come back. Dont walk fast paced.
Stretch before starting.
Until i injured my foot/ankle i never ever stretched now i always do. It helps my ankle from hurting.
After everything it took me months to be able to walk 2 miles again.
Just took the dog for a walk then immediately after took him on the marsh to run around lol gorgeous day!!!

I put the special leash on for the speed walk but it ended up being a combo speed walk and sniffari cause he had to potty plus I was getting out of breath from no breaks anyway 🤣🙈 next time we will just stick to sniffaris and go further distances when we have time.
Challenge yourself to do 50 paces of speed walk, and then 100 paces of regular. Or whatever combo works for you. Do that for a week. Then do 60 paces, or whatever, but up it by 10-20%, while staying at the same number of paces of regular.

If you commit to doing this, you'll be surprised at what you can actually do. Don't give up, especially if at first you can only do 25 paces of speed walk. Start with what you can do now.

We started working out on the elliptical. Oh, man, 10 minutes had hubby gassed! I could do 15, but not at a very fast pace. Now we're up to 20 minutes each, with a pretty decent pace of 10 mph (this is like riding a bike standing up, so not that fast). It took us 2 months, but we're not quitting now.

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