Chicken seemed to die for no reason

So sorry to hear you lost one of your hens. There are many different reasons why your hen could have died for seemingly no reason, and it will be difficult to know for sure what happened unless you get a necropsy done. How old and what breed was the hen? When and where did you find her body? What do you feed your flock? Was she showing any odd behaviors the previous days/weeks before she died, such as standing off to the side, decreased eating or drinking, puffed up, stopped roosting at night, weird poops, or anything else? What are the temperatures where you live? Any of your remaining flock acting off? Do you still have her body that can be sent to a lab for testing?
So sorry to hear you lost one of your hens. There are many different reasons why your hen could have died for seemingly no reason, and it will be difficult to know for sure what happened unless you get a necropsy done. How old and what breed was the hen? When and where did you find her body? What do you feed your flock? Was she showing any odd behaviors the previous days/weeks before she died, such as standing off to the side, decreased eating or drinking, puffed up, stopped roosting at night, weird poops, or anything else? What are the temperatures where you live? Any of your remaining flock acting off? Do you still have her body that can be sent to a lab for testing?
Hi an Orpington no strange behavior eating normal chicken feed
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

There are so many reasons why a bird can die.... medical issues, parasites, organ failure, accidental poisoning or eating something they shouldn't have, cancer, viruses, bacterias, heart attack, crop issues, liver disease, all kinds of things. Necropsy is the only sure fire way to know for sure. Usually but not always do they show symptoms, sometimes the symptoms are quite vague, other times the symptoms are obvious. Its always best to occasionally do a physical on each bird and do a quick crop check each morning and a feet check each evening at bedtime.
Hi an Orpington no strange behavior eating normal chicken feed
Welcome to BYC! I have hatchery Buff Orpingtons from Hoover's and had bad luck/some underlying issue with them and sudden death. I'm a newer keeper but was advised to cut back/eliminate treats for this heavier breed due to potential for fatty liver hemorrhage. My girls were young, no more than two years, no observed health issues till they just dropped. I'm very sorry for your loss; hang in there!

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