Turkey egg candling day 4


13 Years
Apr 20, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
We decided to candle the eggs every saturday throughout the process. I know it is really early but this is what we saw. Any thoughts...

unlabeled egg:

egg 23:

egg 24:
These are not chicken eggs. You will see nothing at day 4. You need to wait at least 10 days but I wait until day 14 and again at lockdown.
I know you knew that and I was saying 10 days is the earliest you want to look at turkey eggs. They really shouldn't be handeled very much for best success. Thats why I only candle at day 14 and then at day 25.
Thank you for your information. It is Jan. in mass and it is pretty cold, the odds of these eggs hatching are slim at best. We are experimenting and learning. She has already laid 27 eggs which rotted because she is too young, doesnt realize she needs to sit on them and it is freezing out. We are experimenting with 4 eggs that probably wouldnt of survived if left to the mother anyway. I dont think is such a bad thing. I am sorry if I offend you because I candled the eggs at 4 days. I am fully aware that you wont see anything til 10-14 days but we are curious and learning, which in this house is encouraged. Hatching every egg at the rate that this turkey is laying them is NOT going to happen anyway...We do not need that many turkeys. Also experimenting and learning is no worse than taking there eggs and eating them which we dont do. I truely hope I have not offended anybody on this forum.
I don't raise turkeys, but I do raise grey and green jungle fowl, vulturine guinea fowl and several species of pheasants. I candle some of my eggs every other day until I can see good growth, from about day 3 until day 10 or so and again every so often until just before the hatch date. Candling doesn't hurt the eggs and if you are careful there should be no reason your hands hurt the eggs any more then turning the eggs every 4 hours if you don't use an automatic turner. Last year was the first time ever that I got 100% hatch rate, I raised birds as a child up until about 16 years old for 4-H and then took a long break, but even back then I have never had a perfect season. I am not an expert, and like I said I have not raised turkeys but I don't see a problem as long as you are careful with each egg.

If handling eggs is a problem I would be interested in why, if you let a hen sit on them she moves them around and touches them as well as leaves them for food and water throughout the entire incubation period, what is the difference between that and clean hands with gentle handling?
Congratulations on your 100% success rate!!! Way to go!!! That is soooo awesome!

My broody hen (chicken) is sitting on 3 of our eggs (the ones pictured) and we have 1 egg in a homemade incubator. We are experimenting as she (the turkey hen) has laid 27 eggs total (so far) and 23 of them rotted. We are hoping that come the spring when it is warmer, she will be older and will be able to hatch her own. right now she hasnt realized she needs to set on them lol
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Not offended at all, just no need to candle a turkey egg at 4 days as you will see nothing. You can candle them every day if you want. Just make sure your hands are clean. Our oild and other things you get on your hands can be absorber by the egg causing dammage to the developing chick. Like I said before, you light is causing you hens to lay out of season. Turkeys normaly lay in the spring and lay 15-18 eggs over about 3 weeks before they sit on them. When it is down below freezing like now, the eggs are killed. If you want to hatch some now, pick them up and bring them inside and turn them 3 times a day until you are ready to incubate. I pick up my eggs everyday and set eggs every Thursday during the laying season.
. I have 6 turkey eggs and so they are going in!
. I have put the turkeys in with the ducks and chickens in the big barn for winter and have one string of Christmas lights on for the chickens
so I am sure that is helping things along as well as it being warm. Might have to rethink things next year but with plowing and water hauling for me this seemed the most simple solution.

How are yours doing? Are you candling each day? Or are you waiting for the next candling?

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