Treat or Euthanize? — Turkey In Bad Shape


10 Years
Apr 29, 2012
Hi everyone! I wish I was coming with better news. My broad breasted white turkey, Evelyn, is not doing well at all. Earlier yesterday she was doing fine going after food. Last night she had one swollen eye. This morning both eyes nearly sealed shut and was really acting sick. Not eating or able to see much.

Took her to an exotic vet (no farm vet) and we smelled/saw she had an old wound on her underside that didn’t heal and is necrotic. I never smelled it because I’m always with her outside, and it was on her belly so it was hidden. Not an excuse but just why I never saw it. Really kicking myself now 😢

The vet was definitely taken aback, and really so was I, I had no idea Evelyn still had the wound. The vet did one injection of Baytril and an anti-inflammatory, as well as Terramycin for me to apply. I kind of had to fight to not have her euthanized and I’m bringing her back in the morning because I promised the vet I would. Either for another dose of Baytril if she looks better or for euthanasia. The vet was not hopeful, and I don’t think I will be able to leave the vet with Evelyn if she doesn’t show the vet some signs of improvement. I appreciate the vet’s concern for her welfare but I also feel that she didn’t want to treat her aggressively with antibiotics either.

It’s been 10 hours since Evelyn received the single dose of antibiotics and she hasn’t improved at all. I assume the Baytril would have worked at least a bit by now. And she hasn’t eaten or drank today which I’m sure doesn’t help.

I don’t know what to do. Should I try to go to Tractor Supply early in the morning to get an injectable to really fight this infection hard? And then if the respiratory infection clears, treat the necrotic wound right after that? Or should I prepare myself to have her euthanized? Apologies if I sound naive and/or too-little-too-late. Thank you 🙏🏻
It helps to understand the extent of the old continuous infected wound to determine if culling is the only choice. Wounds not treated in time becomes a systemic infection which affects every organ inside a bird. Which becomes almost impossible to treat and damage is done. That said I hope you can find the right solution.
It helps to understand the extent of the old continuous infected wound to determine if culling is the only choice. Wounds not treated in time becomes a systemic infection which affects every organ inside a bird. Which becomes almost impossible to treat and damage is done. That said I hope you can find the right solution.
Truly I can’t say. The fact that there was a smell when she was indoors seems serious. It is a deep wound. This could be from over a month ago… she did get hurt but I thought it healed. Even kept her indoors for a week at the time. It’s not in the same exact place but her underside is vulnerable and she is a clumsy bird at times. I really am heartbroken because I feel like I know what’s coming. I am hoping for a miracle turnaround but I don’t want to prolong her suffering 😔💔

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