
  1. T

    Ducks attacked by rats - how to clean the wound? (Warning, picture)

    I was cleaning out the coop this morning and noticed one of my ducks sitting in the corner (the rest were all outside). I picked her up and the skin on her back and all of her feathers was gone. Her sibling (another buff) had the same. Picture is below, warning to those who are squeamish. My...
  2. Ruffatoa

    Gaping Head Wound in Brooding Turkey - Possible Skull Visible

    I have an adult female midget white turkey who has been put in a small coop on our porch separated by the rest of the flock for a few weeks due to her having small (surrogate) chicks that needed to be kept safe. When I went to check on her and the chicks around 20 minutes ago to give her some...
  3. S

    Sick/dying chicken + DL Methionine question. HELP PLEASE

    We have a frizzle who’s around 10 months old and she has a huge bald spot, her wings are made of pins not feathers, and she has wounds all over. no evidence of being picked at by others (we have cameras). what should we do to help her? 2 of our others have small bald spots so we’re thinking of...
  4. C

    Hole on chicken's back?

    Hello! I have an almost 1 year old Polish/ frizzle hen that has a hole (?) on her back. It is almost entirely tucked under her wing. I noticed a naked spot on her back a couple of weeks ago. I sprayed her with Blue Kote (you can see the remnants of that). Today, I noticed that it was much...
  5. N

    My duck has this weird wound on his feet

    Hi guys..My Pekin duck recently has this black and red scars on his feet..Idk what is this..I put some ointment on it but i guess it's getting worse(I'm not sure yet)...Is this a fungal infection or bacterial infection? And should i gave him antibiotics?
  6. J

    Back of hen's head degloved?

    I went out this morning to find one of our hens in their enclosed run with the back of her head like this! It almost looks degloved. I can't find any other injuries and none of the other chickens are injured or missing. The back of our rooster's legs do have dried blood on them so my suspicion...
  7. Olive_Egger

    Wounded Chicken Recovery

    Our chicken was attacked by a hawk, we thought she was fine but a couple hours later discovered a bad gash. I believe what was visible was the “brisket” of chicken in meat terms. We treated her by cleaning the wound and stitching her up. She is sleeping inside in a dog crate. It is covered and...
  8. MCchickies

    Baby chick pecked by broody hen URGENT!

    I had my second chick hatch (from the incubator). My broody hen already has one chick that she hatched, so I was hoping she would take this chick…. Which she did right away, I’m glad I stuck around because shortly after she started to peck the chick which resulted in what looks like both her...
  9. A

    Huge Rat Attacked Quail at Night

    Story: So I go outside to check on my flock since I’m kind of traumatized (more paranoid than traumatized) to make sure the previous incident doesn’t happen😢, and I check on all: they’re good, I think till I was about to leave but I think why not check my solo quail buddies (have been trying to...
  10. L

    Chick pecked by other chicks. Has a small wound on its beak.

    Hi! I very recently got 11 chicks. Mainly pet breeds. They are under a week old. Today I found one of my chicks with a small wound on its beak and the other chicks pecking at it. I have separated the wounded chick with its own brooder plate, food and water. What else can I do for the chick? Can...
  11. C

    Found Injured Hen on Side of Road in Ditch, treating wound but now maybe wheezing? Does she need antibiotics?

    Hey all, I found a chicken on the side of the road in a ditch while I was walking my weiner dog. We both thought she was a dead animal but she was still alive. So i ran back to my house and got my car and grabbed her. The first day I gave her a bath and didn’t see anything but a small puncture...
  12. S

    New member seeking advice, cat bite on ducks leg.

    Hello everyone, My names Tom and I’m from the south west of the U.K. I’ve come here seeking advice and also probably looking for some peace of mind at the same time. I’ve only had my ducks for a couple of months and spent a lot of time building them an enclosed area that has everything they...
  13. Chickchick7688

    I suspect my chick is getting picked on

    Hi, I have 13 chicks ages 14 to 16 weeks and I came home from work today and one has a wound on her head. I’m not sure if she’s been getting picked on or if this is an injury that she incurred herself but I suspect it is from another chicken. I have separated her and I put her in a dog cage...
  14. LindaNL

    Fly Strike?

    I have an issue with my 6 year old rescue Henny. After finding piles blood in the coop, I checked all of my 4 chickens and found that Henny had a big lump and wound under her oil gland. I went to the vet and I got antibiotics and she told me to clean the wound daily with betadine. I am now on...
  15. R

    Hen has wound on head

    I have a hen that was attacked by a predator some time last night. She is 1-2 years old and lives in a large chicken tractor and attached run with 13 other hens and 2 roosters. They have pine bedding. She does not seem lighter than the others. She is awake and alert but somewhat subdued after...
  16. DanAndQuails

    Treat or Euthanize? — Turkey In Bad Shape

    Hi everyone! I wish I was coming with better news. My broad breasted white turkey, Evelyn, is not doing well at all. Earlier yesterday she was doing fine going after food. Last night she had one swollen eye. This morning both eyes nearly sealed shut and was really acting sick. Not eating or able...
  17. Chikenshiken


    Two of my ducks were attacked by a raccoon around two weeks ago. Personality wise, they seem great and extremely active. However I’m growing concerned for both of their feet but mainly my smaller Pekin, Fae. He is the most active but his foot is blackening, smells, and doesn’t seem to harbor...
  18. N

    Is hen ready to be re-introduced to flock?

    It's been nearly a month since the bear attack that got our rooster & 2 of our older hens, along with taking a good chunk out of this girl's back. I'm really happy with how it's been healing. I see no inflamed or infected area, and no strange odor. Here's a pic of what her wound currently looks...
  19. N

    Bear mauled chicken

    I need your help, y'all, and your input on what I should do for one of my girls that was badly clawed at by a bear last night. Last night, we had our first successful bear attack (well, successful for the bear). We thought we'd done enough to deter them (we live in the southern Sierras), as...
  20. S

    Yellow coming from feather - possibly wound

    Hi I have rescued a cockerel that was abandoned - he had been attacked but his neck is recovering very well and he seems much better in himself. I have noticed recently that he has yellow coming from top of his tail feathers - looks a bit bald this patch so I’m thinking it could be a wound from...
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