that is it..I have had it

Tell him to go pet it then


If I had roosters, I would carry a stunner and just zap that bugger every time. Not going to break my heart if every member of the flock does not want to come and cuddle with the boss. If it kills him, too bad. If it instills fear of the "boss roo" than that is good too. It is a win-win in my book. I bet after one or two jolts, just pulling it out and pointing it at him and triggering it for that blue arc and crackling sound would make that roo high-tail it out of there.

I would never put up with a horse or goat that was a biter or butter either. Either a stunner or a baseball bat would get their attention real soon. Start early enough and you will head off unsavory behavior, and will not have to deal with it as they get older. And by the way, that works great for kids too. I had 4 and none were brats. "They were all well-behaved by the time they were two because they were smart enough to understand that they just couldn't get away with it, even once. Can't say that for my grandkids, but that is not my cross to bear either!
They know that they cannot do Grandpa the way they do their moms.
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Tell him to go pet it then

he will go pet him...he is not afraid of the roo even though he has also been attacked...

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