that is it..I have had it

Yeah I love animals but you are doing the right thing. It's dumplings time once the roo continues to be aggressive. It is no different than having to put down a dog that bites people.
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I cannot hav ehim here when we have kids ...I gave him several months of trying to get him to stop ... it was several months to many
I've only had 1 RIR roo and he was very sweet. I have 5 EE roos and they are all super sweet except the one ridiculously aggressive one. I think it's part genetics and part individual.
I hear ya. I have a roo who's going to become curry Real Soon Now, as soon as I can hatch some chicks out of his pen for the neighbor. I've kept him for sentimental reasons -- he's our very first home-hatched chick -- and he is quite beautiful and VERY good with his hens, but over the past few months he has gotten steadily more aggressive despite all my attempts at reforming him. While he is simply behaving appropriately from a chicken viewpoint, I just cannot be gettin' flogged half the times I go into the pen. So, eggs will go in the 'bator this weekend I expect, and if they all seem to be developing well after a week or so, he will regretfully be demoted to kitchen duty.

Sympathies and support,

I like the sound of chicken and dumplings. better share with your sister.
I like the sound of chicken and dumplings. better share with your sister.


I have only had one mean roo and he was the best dumplins i ever had
Make sure the rest of them see what happens too mean roos
Make those dumplins and take them to your sister.
Every RIR roo I ever had was also mean. I hate the things. I do have a production red roo that seems to be a little better tempered.
Thank you all for the information so freely given on these forums! So very helpful for those of us just beginning in the chicken keeping world.
I have a similar problem with our 5 mo. old EE roo, Leggy. He has been raised from a chick by my two girls (5 & 8), who are gentle children. He has been held a lot and up until this point has been very docile. He is "maturing" and is not a terrible nuisance to the 7 hens we have and is generally gentlemanly and protective. In short, he is beautiful, we enjoy having him around and my girls are quite attached to him. Problem is, he has flown at my girls' faces twice lately. I will never be a person who would consider an animal's well being over her children, but I don't know enough about rooster behavior to decide if these incidents were provoked because they went into the coop while hens were laying, or if this is the beginning of a pattern. At his young age, can we condition him to behave or is that naive? He has never shown any aggression towards bigger people. Perhaps there is an extra amount of tension built up from being cooped up (sorry:rolleyes:) with all the snow? Any and all advice would be much appreciated.

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