Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

I just don't go on holidays... :)
Its a holiday with a purpose, I'm meant to eventually be moving up country still, but I still know basically no one there, haven't met my SO's family or seen the area in person- so I've finally been persuaded to go up there and bite the bullet

It's so hard to do because of all Sprightly's issues. I love my girls and I worry. I'm going to have to show my mum how to pop the calcium pills down Spright's throat for in the event of an emergency.
Its a holiday with a purpose, I'm meant to eventually be moving up country still, but I still know basically no one there, haven't met my SO's family or seen the area in person- so I've finally been persuaded to go up there and bite the bullet

It's so hard to do because of all Sprightly's issues. I love my girls and I worry. I'm going to have to show my mum how to pop the calcium pills down Spright's throat for in the event of an emergency.
How far away will you be? And how long?
I haven’t updated in a long time
So much has happened lately we bought an acreage with 16 acres
We have the keys and have slowly been moving in but it’s a 3 hour drive
I had rescued 2 little emu babies and after my vet and massage guy tried all we could to save them when the growth spurt happened the bad leg got so bad it was to cruel to keep them alive
Both were put to rest a week apart as each one happened at different times
When meadow was put to rest that left ocean alone so the lady I got my eggs from had a lone emu hatch and gave him to me to keep ocean company
A week later ocean needed to be put down and poor river was upset
He didn’t eat at all that day and just cried non stop
I couldn’t find any emu babies but a lady I knew had a lone gosling
We drove up to get it
Took the night but river settled right in with his new friend
They have been great buddies ever since.
My daughter also had only one duckling hatch as my bator acted up on her so I bought 4 unrelated anconas to join my crew
I added the 5 ducklings in with the gosling and emu
They have become a tight little family
While all this was going on my new puppy I got to train to watch my flock at the farm somehow broke out of the barrier and had one of my ducks ( my first baby I hatched ) one ground on his back
Was the scariest thing I have ever gone through with them
Poor germ was flat like a pancake and hardly mouth breathing
I picked him up and ran in the house
Got my son to hold him and call vet while I locked the dog in his kennel and went to check my flock as they were nowhere in sight
Thank the lord they were all fine but hiding in the coop
I thought germs back was broken. He was flat legs straight out and shallow breathing
At the vets we were able to check him over with her help
Again thank the lord his wounds were not bad it was shock that was really bad
He had teeth holes in his beak
His legs had bite marks but not deep enough to cause issues
Scratch marks on his back as well as all his tail feathers pulled out
She was able to give him a shot for the pain and shock
By the time we got home he was starting to stand up as even gave a few drake chats
Took him a day to fully come out of the shock and only a few days to be back to himself chasing the girls
I must have caught it in time
The puppy is a very smart dog and I’m certain could be trained to guard them one day but I no longer could trust him and even a week later when my birds saw him from 40 feet away they ran for cover
I won’t stress them out trying to force them ti trust this dog who hurt one of them
I found him a wonderful home with no birds
Then just a few days ago we had to put our 13.5 year old wiener dog down as his final stage of heart disease had got so bad
3 animals in less then 2 weeks was a tough pill to swallow
The vet clinic I go to I could see they had tears along side of me
Thankfully my birds still trust my husky who has never hurt any of them and just loves them


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I haven’t updated in a long time
So much has happened lately we bought an acreage with 16 acres
We have the keys and have slowly been moving in but it’s a 3 hour drive
I had rescued 2 little emu babies and after my vet and massage guy tried all we could to save them when the growth spurt happened the bad leg got so bad it was to cruel to keep them alive
Both were put to rest a week apart as each one happened at different times
When meadow was put to rest that left ocean alone so the lady I got my eggs from had a lone emu hatch and gave him to me to keep ocean company
A week later ocean needed to be put down and poor river was upset
He didn’t eat at all that day and just cried non stop
I couldn’t find any emu babies but a lady I knew had a lone gosling
We drove up to get it
Took the night but river settled right in with his new friend
They have been great buddies ever since.
My daughter also had only one duckling hatch as my bator acted up on her so I bought 4 unrelated anconas to join my crew
I added the 5 ducklings in with the gosling and emu
They have become a tight little family
While all this was going on my new puppy I got to train to watch my flock at the farm somehow broke out of the barrier and had one of my ducks ( my first baby I hatched ) one ground on his back
Was the scariest thing I have ever gone through with them
Poor germ was flat like a pancake and hardly mouth breathing
I picked him up and ran in the house
Got my son to hold him and call vet while I locked the dog in his kennel and went to check my flock as they were nowhere in sight
Thank the lord they were all fine but hiding in the coop
I thought germs back was broken. He was flat legs straight out and shallow breathing
At the vets we were able to check him over with her help
Again thank the lord his wounds were not bad it was shock that was really bad
He had teeth holes in his beak
His legs had bite marks but not deep enough to cause issues
Scratch marks on his back as well as all his tail feathers pulled out
She was able to give him a shot for the pain and shock
By the time we got home he was starting to stand up as even gave a few drake chats
Took him a day to fully come out of the shock and only a few days to be back to himself chasing the girls
I must have caught it in time
The puppy is a very smart dog and I’m certain could be trained to guard them one day but I no longer could trust him and even a week later when my birds saw him from 40 feet away they ran for cover
I won’t stress them out trying to force them ti trust this dog who hurt one of them
I found him a wonderful home with no birds
Then just a few days ago we had to put our 13.5 year old wiener dog down as his final stage of heart disease had got so bad
3 animals in less then 2 weeks was a tough pill to swallow
The vet clinic I go to I could see they had tears along side of me
Thankfully my birds still trust my husky who has never hurt any of them and just loves them
Goodness me, what a roller coaster you've been going through, what a lot of heartbreak
Is Germ all better now?
River is gorgeous!
I'm so sorry for the Emus you lost
Congratulations on the new home, 16 acres is pretty good! Imagine all the birds you can fit in!!
Goodness me, what a roller coaster you've been going through, what a lot of heartbreak
Is Germ all better now?
River is gorgeous!
I'm so sorry for the Emus you lost
Congratulations on the new home, 16 acres is pretty good! Imagine all the birds you can fit in!!
Germ is fully healed. His beak will never be perfect but the wounds healed and they don’t affect him from daily life
I’m very excited for my acreage
I still have my emu eggs in the bator at day 41. I had bought them 2 days before I saw the add to rescue the other two
Hopefully I get some to hatch so river has buddies the same as him
My vet checked him and definitely a boy
My granddaughter named all the emu babies and wants to call the next one breeze
Stick with a theme of nature :)
I knew the chance was slim to help the other two but I had to try
I gave them so much love and ocean got to run in the grass and play with her wonky leg before it got to bad. At least she got to be free for a little bit
I have also got 2 kinds of turkey eggs in the bator at day 15
Royal palm and blue slate
2 of the 5 peafowl eggs have started on day 4 now
I have one goose egg on day 9 out of 6 that started and a Stella egg that’s on day 2 not sure if it’s fertile yet
Haven’t had any luck with her eggs being fertile yet but if she lays one I try
I really want their offspring as they are both such beautiful birds
Very chill geese
I also have 19 chicks that are in the brooder area 2.5 weeks old
Then my 19 adult ducks and 2 adult geese
I may need a semi to move my crew 😂


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So many ups and downs @New duck mommy 2021 . Hopefully better times ahead! Grats on the new digs!

Today, I finally motivated myself to do the Big Spring Cleaning of the duck coops. I'd done the chickens about a month ago but was dreading the ducks and kept making excuses. I hurt all over (old-ish age combined with arthritis and being out of shape).

I also fed about a gazillion blackflies and mosquitoes.

Really should have cleaned those last month...
So many ups and downs @New duck mommy 2021 . Hopefully better times ahead! Grats on the new digs!

Today, I finally motivated myself to do the Big Spring Cleaning of the duck coops. I'd done the chickens about a month ago but was dreading the ducks and kept making excuses. I hurt all over (old-ish age combined with arthritis and being out of shape).

I also fed about a gazillion blackflies and mosquitoes.

Really should have cleaned those last month...
I’m looking forward to the new place ;)
Spring clean is always terrible
I clean my coop daily so it’s never bad but the indoor / outdoor feed area I do twice a year
Today was the day for that
Oh my word it was awful 😞
Snow couldn’t get in but frost from waters abd ice ect melted and caused the under layers ti be rotten
But it’s done now and I won’t be adding any bedding in there as it’s only for daytime and we move in a week

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