Suburban Ohio 6x8 Scratch Coop


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 9, 2015
Aurora, OH
This is going to be one of those slow moving build threads.Got my wife talked into getting chickens with the original idea being 4. But chicken math before they even arrive and now 12 day olds will be getting picked up April 20th. I started building the end of February, in the garage so I wouldn't be fighting the weather. I can get everything done inside, except for the roof on. I can get it figured out and pieces cut though.

A few things that I thought through with the design: It had to be elevated off the ground. So when I clean it I can scrape the shavings, etc right into a wheelbarrow. No lifting no bending. It gives chickens shade too. The nesting boxes are outside the main floor plan of the coop with storage underneath for feed and bedding. The roost has a poop board under it, with the whole unit being removable for deep cleaning. On what will be the north wall I am building a small shed attached for garden tools. It will hopefully act as a thermal break. There will be a large door on the back elevated up off the floor. A 2x6 will fill the gap and be removable so if I decide to try the deep litter method nothing falls out. On the side with the nesting boxes will be a smaller door for feed and water. It too will be elevated. Putting in lots of windows and ventilation. Rather be able to close vents off then drill more holes. The run will be roofed, as I have the extra shingles. Also trying to make it light but strong so if I ever move it can move too.

So far I have the bulk of the framing and insulation done. It was free. Try and stop the drafts. Floor is complete with vinyl sheeting on top. Windows are in place.
this is a view of what's done. Quarters are tight so hard to get real good shots. You can see side door opening and the jut out for nesting boxes.
framing for roost and the poop board. This is looking in from the back door.
this last picture shows the back door with nesting box area in foreground. In far background where the pegboard wall is will be the small attached shed.
So it has been awhile since I have last updated. Chickens are growing like weeds. Got the coop out of the garage and around back where it is going to stay. It moved a lot easier then I had anticipated. Neighbor video taped it and knowing them its up on youtube somewhere. Been working off and on, on it. Got rafters up and tarped it, then was able to get the pen built and the roof on the whole thing. Going to finish the painting and get the doors all made up. Painting the doors and trim white. In a few weeks I am going to get the fence. Going to put welded wire up on windows and vents. 1" chicken wire on the pen. I will be locking the chickens up at night so predators should not be a problem. On the back side of the run there is a 2x12 sticking out at ground level. Going to build 2 compost bins, and enclose them in wire and try composting in the chicken run. If anything gives the kids a little extra room to peck around in. I am still keeping the compost out back for the stuff that I don't want the chickens to get into. Once I get the gutters up I will be plumbing them into rain barrels for watering the garden. If you have questions feel free to message me. Thanks for looking.

So with the warm weather I have been working in the yard. Got the fence rails down for where the chicken coop and run are going. It's going to go on the backside of the garden. There are 2 maple trees for shade. It will cut down on the amount of fence I need for the garden, give me a place to recycle the weeds and if I build a compost pile outside the coop, an area to finish the compost after the chickens have had there turn.
Thanks Eggsotric. Just trying to make for some happy chicks. My goal is to have them out in 2 weeks. There is still a lot to do. Going to work on finishing up on the framing of the compost area today and hopefully get it all painted. Will post pictures tonight of everything I get done.
Got a little bit done yesterday. Got the compost area framed out and started putting in the cross pieces inside to hold the drywall up on the ceiling. It was free as well as the foam insulation going up on ceiling. Got the electrical boxes in and wiring ran. Hopefully with a little luck I can start insulating it.

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