Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

The dark girl is our climber. Lucky is the cuddler.

Love your bird sitting so calmly in your hand. We will be working on that with Lucky for 4-H events.
What cuties!

I'm going to be setting again on the 16th. My sister is driving a moving truck down and bringing a carton of bantam polish eggs for me! I'm also getting some bantam barred rock eggs shipped in because I've wanted them for a long time. Miiight sneak in a few BBS bantam cochins as well from a neighbor. YAY!
I took in a fecal sample and now I'm treating for roundworms. I'm out until March unless I get some from Trader Joes for a 4-H field day. Thinking I may set up a candleing booth for the kids.
I usually end up with more adults but that's OK to.

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