Safe-Guard Wormer for Chickens - Can it be used in their water ?

It contains oxfendazole and praziquantel. It's the praziquantel that gets the tapes, same as in zimectrin gold and equimax.
I know, I looked up the ingredients!
Looks like it might be a good option for some people, but I'll stick with oral dosing and using more than one wormer for now, liquid Safeguard and liquid praziquantil.
Those dosages they provide are for small birds too, not for chickens. I suppose dosages would be higher for bigger birds. I dont particularily like using praziquantel unless it's absolutely necessary against a stubborn case of tapeworms.
Can't comment on the dosing, but maybe I'll look it up in my spare time, hahahaha!

I've never actually seen any evidence of tapes in my flock, so I haven't used any praziquantil yet, but got a bottle of the liquid for my cats and dog, so if I do need it, it's already here.

Thank you all for your info and input on this thread, your help is beyond appreciated !

I picked up 25 ml of Valbazen today and will be dosing the girls and rooster tomorrow with individual pieces of bread soaked with the proper dose for each bird. My girls aren't laying much at all, hardly getting an egg a day anymore and they're 6 months old... Up until recently I was getting 4-6 eggs per day, everyday. I have a feeling that, besides the shorter days and colder temps, that worms are contributing to them not laying. Hopefully after tomorrow things will start looking up. Thank you all so much for your invaluable information :)
reviving this thread to ask, IF one wanted to try using liquid Safeguard in their water, any suggestions as to how much to mix with a gallon of water?
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reviving this thread to ask, IF one wanted to try using liquid Safeguard in their water, any suggestions as to how much to mix with a gallon of water?
SafeGuard cannot be mixed in the water. I can't remember if it is not soluble or that it justs settles out, but you aren't even supposed to mix a little water with it. It would be so much easier to use in the water. It's not even meant for chickens (but safe to use,) but for goats, cattles, and horses.
Many of the people on the peafowl forum do put it in the water, but I seriously doubt it's effectiveness and I sure would like to know why people keep doing it even though they keep loosing birds to parasite infestations. Like eggcessive said, it will settle, that is a fact. If one really wanted to use Safeguard (fenbendazole) in the water they could could probably use powdered fenbendazole for fish instead. Either way, you would have to do some math and figure out how much a bird drinks in a day and how much wormer to add. IMNSHO, it's cheaper and more effective to bite the bullet and worm your birds orally.


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