Rooster in rough shape after fight!


Dec 28, 2020
Hi everyone.

Two of my roosters, who are normally outside together for a few hours during the day and have never had any issues, started chasing each other around the yard two days ago. Fearing it would get ugly, my husband stuck his foot out to stop them. Not a kick by any means, just blocked one from chasing the other. The rooster essentially ran into his foot and fell to the ground. We brought him inside to monitor him as he was not moving much. He ate and drank a bit, and would move a bit when we came into the room. He is cordoned off in his own area in the coop now. Now he seems to be less mobile and I don't think he has eaten or drank. Any advice? I have no idea what kind of injury he has from the impact but from the outside he looks fine - maybe internal damage or brain damage? Anyone ever experience this? Thanks for your help.

- I
It would,be hard to diagnose what is wrong. Did they fight for a bit before your husband intervened? I would keep him isolated in a wire dog crate with food and water in a quiet area to rest. It is good that he has eaten and drunk some water. He may be sore or hurt, hard to know. He may be better by tomorrow. Look for any lameness or drooping wings, watch his droppings, and his intake. Sometimes with a head or neck injury they can get symptoms of wry neck. Also look for any puffy skin that could be a leaking air sac from chest or neck trauma.
It would,be hard to diagnose what is wrong. Did they fight for a bit before your husband intervened? I would keep him isolated in a wire dog crate with food and water in a quiet area to rest. It is good that he has eaten and drunk some water. He may be sore or hurt, hard to know. He may be better by tomorrow. Look for any lameness or drooping wings, watch his droppings, and his intake. Sometimes with a head or neck injury they can get symptoms of wry neck. Also look for any puffy skin that could be a leaking air sac from chest or neck trauma.

Thanks for the advice! I tried to make him as comfortable as possible but I think he must have sustained some kind of internal damage, unfortunately he kept slowing down and did not make it through.

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