sick rooster

  1. Exspiravit

    Reintroducing rooster- how can I stop them fighting

    Hey so essentially my rooster got sick and I separated him put him on some antibiotics, he's gotten much better now. I let him go back to the flock where he started fighting with the other rooster? These guys have never fought ever to my knowledge, I let him out and they start brawling straight...
  2. Tanya22

    Deworming a sick chicken with wry neck

    Hey everyone! My chicken (rooster, 5 & a half yrs old) has been pretty sick the past one month and i've basically been hand feeding him 3 times a day. I've tried treating him for breathing issue with antibiotics, but it hasnt worked. His neck is twisted (wry neck), his head droops, he stumbles...
  3. Fluffydoodlebutt

    Help Diagnosing Sick Young Rooster: Doesn't walk, laboured breathing, liquid drips from beak...

    Hi, I'll try to include every bit of information that I can think of. Any suggestion is appreciated... We are chicken newbies, very little experience; live in the tropics, with a lot of heat and humidity this rainy summer season. Our chickens mostly free range. Around 4-5 months ago a few had...
  4. chickenmamafl

    sick rooster?

    I have about a 4 year old rooster. He is usually pretty mean and won’t let me near him. I came home from work and he was like this with this head hanging down. He was fine yesterday and this morning when I let him out of the coop. When I first saw him doing this, I thought he was asleep. But...
  5. T

    Darkened comb on Roosters only in morning

    I have Cockerels/Roosters that have a darkened comb. When I go to feed in the mornings there are three with larger combs that are a little dark. One (the oldest by a month or two) has been having this issue for a few weeks or so and the other two I noticed for the first time this morning. There...
  6. C

    Pale and lethargic rooster

    Hi guys, this is not something I usually do but I am so worried about our rooster I was just hoping to get some advice. He is just over a year old and has not been himself for a good few months. We thought this was due to flockdown earlier this year but he still hasn’t seemed to have...
  7. PeepingK

    BCM roo with infected wattles

    Hey guys, I posted about my roo a couple weeks ago because I noticed that he had lost quite a bit of weight and had his feathers picked out. I solved the feather picking problem but the weight issue is still present. I think I figured out what the problem is.. he got frostbite on his wattles...
  8. VSR

    Help with my back yard flock

    I’m relatively new to chickens.. Not sure what is going on, I noticed our bantam roo is looking a little lethargic, got him caught and gave him a look over. His eyes look bubbly? Almost like spit bubbles and his breathing sounded a little raspy. He also hasn’t been crowing. I put nutri-drench in...
  9. theroosternamedrooster

    Air bubbles trapped in chest? See video and attached X-rays

    He has been having issues breathing at night, he’s fine during the day. It has seemed as though he has been having what I can only describe as sleep apnea. What could be going on? The exotic animal vet I went to seems to be pretty clueless about chickens. I’m in Los Angeles and somehow chicken...
  10. B

    Rooster has had sudden change.

    I have a rooster thats not even a year old. We have 2 total and one of them was killed by a possum and raccoon and since he wouldn't leave the hen house. The other day he did get out and flew the fence and now is just standing with his head down and tail down. Not responding much to noise. What...
  11. B

    4 year old rooster suddenly stopped crowing and is lethargic

    Hey guys! I am desperate. I seem to live in an area where we don't have any chicken experts. Im waiting for the local vet to call back, but its been a full day and no word. Our very healthy, spirited Rhode Island Red rooster who's 4 years old suddenly stopped crowing this morning. The back end...
  12. J


    My rooster is gasping for air. His voice is extremely groggy and his breathing from his mouth. I don't what to do the vet is not available till next three hours. Please help me what should i do??
  13. J


    My pet rooster is 4 and half years old. he was always energetic and chirpy. A month ago i lost my other rooster who was his pair and companion for the last 4 1/2 years. it was pretty shocking and heartbreaking for me and i think it took a toll on my other roo. he is slowly getting depressed and...
  14. F

    My rooster may have newcastle disease, please help me, how can i cure him? this disease grow fast overnight, i want to try my best to get rid of it.

    3 days ago my parent bought a hen, my rooster been alone from 6 months we sold his last chicken because of bad financial conditions but honestly he looked depressed and sad without a hen so i told my parent to get a hen for him and they did, that hen was pretty active and my parent checked her...
  15. J


    My rooster's eyes are again watery and bubbly..his eyelids is also covered with bubble bumps...yesterday he was energetic and eating properly but idk what happened today as soon my dad opened his coop he was very sick..i gave him his med few hours ago and he is eating his food again but still...
  16. G

    Need help figuring out what’s wrong with my serama rooster, thanks.

    My serama rooster about 2 years old was fine yesterday but I was feeding them and changing they’re water like I do every morning when I realized he didn’t come off his perch and I checked on him and he’s pale like most of his face and comb is almost white and I figured out he’s blind too I’ll...
  17. G

    What is wrong with this rooster?

    He is breathing with his mouth open and making gurgling noises, not eating much, his eyes are a bit swollen and his comb is dark purple Some other chickens are sneezing and gurgling a bit now too but not as bad
  18. S

    Sick Lethargic Bantam Rooster

    My bantam has been crowing like he was starting to crow despite being 1 year old and having crowed well for the past months. Hes also a bit lethargic and he has mucus on the bottom of his mouth which smells bad and is closing his eyes a bit. i gave him a little bit of apple cider vinegar as a...
  19. BonNuit

    Food and water amounts for sick/recovering rooster

    Looking for wisdom from those more experienced. My roo, Otis, ended up with severe frostbite on his combs (one part actually came off -- and was collapsing in the coop. When I brought him inside, he just sat motionless and only drank if I dropper hydrated or put his beak in the water. He took...
  20. I

    Rooster in rough shape after fight!

    Hi everyone. Two of my roosters, who are normally outside together for a few hours during the day and have never had any issues, started chasing each other around the yard two days ago. Fearing it would get ugly, my husband stuck his foot out to stop them. Not a kick by any means, just blocked...
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